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极少数移民在兰佩杜萨周一抵达。Very few migrants arrived at Lampedusa on Monday.

兰佩杜萨市市长接受媒体采访时表示,“城市即将崩溃。”Lampedusa Mayor media interview that "the city is about to collapse."

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突尼斯起义活动之后,大约两万名移民到达意大利的蓝佩杜萨岛。Some 20, 000 of them came to the Italian island of Lampedusa after the uprising in Tunisia.

意大利最近向逃往兰佩杜萨岛的大约20,000名突尼斯难民颁发了临时许可证。Italy has recently granted temporary permits for some 20, 000 Tunisians who fled to the island of Lampedusa.

如果西西里岛是一个由意大利引导踢出的球,在兰佩杜萨岛是埋在土下深蚯蚓。If Sicily is a ball being kicked by the Italian boot, the island of Lampedusa is an earthworm buried deep in the soil beneath.

过去几天,2,000多名移民抵达意大利的蓝佩杜萨岛,过去24小时之内有接近400人渡海。More than 2,000 migrants have arrived off the Italian island of Lampedusa in the past few days. Nearly 400 have crossed in the last 24 hours.

法国指控意大利为到达兰佩杜萨岛的北非移民办法临时签证是滥用该协议。France has accused Italy of abusing the accord by granting temporary visas to North African migrants arriving on the Italian island of Lampedusa.

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意大利当局表示,他们已经开始一项大规模的行动,将逃离突尼斯和利比亚混乱的数千名移民从兰佩杜萨岛转移出去。The Italian authorities have launched a massive operation to move thousands of migrants fleeing the turmoil in Tunisia and Libya from the island of Lampedusa.

当天晚上,另一艘载有400多人的难民船在抵达意大利兰佩杜萨岛前触礁,幸亏被边界值勤人员发现,难民全部得救。That evening, another boat carrying more than 400 refugees arrived in Italy, Lampedusa Island boat ran aground before, thanks to the border duty is found, all the refugees saved.

除非你和一批移民一起,以极其危险的方式坐船前往蓝佩杜萨岛,否则别无他法,人们受到很大的限制。Unless you are amongst the group of migrants who are getting on the boats to Lampedusa in that extremely dangerous fashion, you have very limited if actually no option, no alternative.