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患过痉挛、惊劂或癫痫吗?。Convulsions, fits or epilepsy?

羊角风的危害具体有哪些呢?Epilepsy what specific harm it?

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什么原因导致局灶性癫痫发作?What Causes Seizure in Focal Epilepsy?

你的家族有癫痫症史吗?。Any history of epilepsy in your family?

原发性癫痫无法进行预防。Idiopathic epilepsy is not preventable.

羊角风的早期症状都表现为什么?Early symptoms of epilepsy have shown why?

其中一个病人是一个患有羊癫疯的女性。One ofthe patients is a woman with epilepsy.

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见于神经质儿童、癫痫和神经官能症。See at jumpy children, epilepsy and neurosis.

饮食劳作失宜也是青少年癫痫病因。Youth labor Shiyi diet is the cause of epilepsy.

癫痫病患者可以成为偏见的受害者。People with epilepsy can be targets of prejudice.

癫痫病患者在饮食上有什么忌口呢?Epilepsy patients who have any taboos on eating it?

羊癫疯的症状类型有哪些呢?The symptoms of epilepsy types of crazy, what does?

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癫痫发作类型以额叶癫痫最常见。The type of frontal lobe epilepsy was often viewed.

导致癫痫大发作的喹诺酮类药品。The onset of the great cause epilepsy quinolone drugs.

癫痫是指两次或两次以上的无端发作。Epilepsy is defined by two or more unprovoked seizures.

所以中医治疗小儿癫痫病很好的选择。TCM treatment of children with epilepsy so good choice.

癫痫又被称为羊角风,是一种常见的疾病。Epilepsy is also known as epilepsy, is a common disease.

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这一点,对于那些患有颞叶癫痫病的人来说也很普遍。It's also common among people with temporal lobe epilepsy.

癫痫是世界上最早得到认识的病症之一。Epilepsy is one of the world's oldest recognized conditions.

在非洲,10名癫痫患者中大约有9名得不到治疗。About 9 out of 10 people with epilepsy in Africa go untreated.