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当然,你是一个伟大的接吻者!Of course, you are a great kisser !

你认为''擅长接吻''这意思怎么样?。What do you think about ' good kisser '?

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你们相信我象是个接吻很差的人吗?Can you believe that, me not a good kisser.

有人走上前来打了我一嘴巴。Someone came up to me and hit me in the kisser.

我是说,你确实是个很会接吻的家伙,我没想到。I mean, you're just such a good kisser I would never have known.

还有梅丽尔,你知道我对你是什么印象,而且你真是一个接吻高手。And Meryl, you know what I think of you and you are such a good kisser.

就是你女朋友告诉你,在你所有的朋友中,你是最会接吻的。When your girlfriend says you are the best kisser amongst all of your friends.

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就是你女朋友告诉你,在你所有的朋友中,你是最会接吻的。It is when your girlfriend says you are the best kisser amongst all your friends.

你可能创造世界最长接吻时间的记录,因为你喜欢无休无止的接吻下去。You could hold the world record for longest kisser because you like to kiss forever.

她的吻技从来就算不上特别棒,可是她的吹箫技巧还更差。She has never been a particularly good kisser and her blowjob technique was less than spectacular.

按照我的生存模式,一脚踢出去,她会脸部中招,除非她老公和弟弟抓住了我的手臂。To me my survival mode would have kicked in and she would have got a shot right in the kisser. Unless her hubby and brother were holding my arms.

如果这些是关于Peggy,Sue如何喜欢接吻并告诉,或者然后到处去谈论谁是接吻高手,谁接吻很烂的事实的话,也许那就给了你一个不再继续你此时行为的理由。If these are facts about how Peggy Sue likes to kiss and tell, or then goes around and talks about who's a good kisser and who's a bad kisser, maybe that gives you a reason to not continue what you're doing.