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但是鲍勃•鲁兹就是个传说。But Bob Lutz is a legend.

Lutz先生认为“我们必须要保持耐心。“We have tobe patient, ” Mr. Lutz said.

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这是小龙虾的替代品种。"This is that alternative species of crawfish, " said Lutz.

卢茨将退出通用汽车公司在今年年底。Lutz will retire from General Motors at the end of the year.

卢茨将有助于类似的新产品,这种设计是在美国。Lutz will contribute to similar new products that are designed in America.

这是一张丽芙和她自己设计的开襟羊毛衫的图片!Here is Liv with her own designed cashmere cape cardigan for Lutz & Patmos!

“他们的政治活动范围非常广,并且每个人都与众不同,”鲁特茨称。“Their politics were wide ranging and fairly unique to each of them,” says Lutz.

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对于Reflector不再由Lutz维护,并且不会再免费,我是怎么考虑的呢?What do I think now that Reflector isn’t maintained by Lutz and isn’t going to be free?

凯南·鲁兹披露了这场世纪婚礼的内容,他承认影迷们看后会激动得发疯的!Kellan Lutz opens up about the ceremony of the century — and admits that the fans will go nuts!

Lutz先生向聚集在一起参加洛杉矶汽车展的多疑的汽车媒体证实了自己的观点。Mr.Lutz cites the skeptical automotive media, gathered en masse today forthe start of press days for the Los Angeles Auto Show.

“许多我们的Volt工作人员一直在提醒我这有多冒险,”Lutz在洛杉矶车展上说,“这确实很冒险,但我们不会松懈。”"A lot of our team members working on the Volt keep telling us how aggressive that is," Lutz said at the Los Angeles auto show.

而一旁的“狼人”泰勒也不时互动一下,而阿什利-格林、凯兰-卢茨和尼基-里德等其他演员已于上周飞抵片场,开始拍摄。As previously reported by GossipCenter, Ashley Greene, Kellan Lutz and Nikki Reed all flew out to the Louisiana locale this past Sunday.

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在过去几年卢茨迪度过的声音携手开发出这一厚层出,且从来没有在他的音乐出现之前,无人驾驶飞机。In the past years Lutz Rach spent working with sounds to create this thick layers and drones that have never surfaced in his music before.

就连像通用汽车公司前副总裁鲍勃•鲁茨这样铁杆的驾驶发烧友都坦承,无人驾驶汽车是未来的发展方向。Even a devoted driving enthusiast like former General Motors vice chairman Bob Lutz concedes that driverless cars are the way of the future.

鲁茨说,四万亿包括对伤兵的长期照顾费用,以及2012年到2020年的战争支出。Lutz said costs such as long-term care of wounded veterans, and projected war spending from 2012 through 2020, were included in the figures.

对于Malibu和凯迪拉克CTS,通用在改进内饰方面做了非常大的努力,而这“一直以来都是通用最大的弱点所在”。For the Malibu and the CTS, G.M. made a particular effort to improve the interiors, which have“always been an area of extreme G.M. weakness, ” Mr. Lutz said.

在1995年全美花样滑冰锦标赛上,妮科尔•博贝克夺取了金牌,关颖珊则名列第二,因为在短节目和自由滑项目中,她的勾手跳完成得都不那么顺利。At the 1995 U. S. Championships, Nicole Bobek captured the gold medal, while Kwan placed second after struggling with her lutz jump in both the short program and free skate.

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在纽约的金融分析师会议上,鲁兹将别克和庞帝克描述为因为在新车型上投入太少而“受到破坏的品牌”。At a conference of financial analysts in New York, Mr. Lutz described Buick and Pontiac as 'damaged brands' that had suffered as a result of too little investment in new models.

但是由于多年糟糕的销售业绩,通用汽车副主席鲍伯·鲁特斯2005年形象的将别克称为“拖后腿的品牌”,当时外界普遍猜测这个底特律的汽车业巨头会抛弃别克。But in 2005, after years of poor sales, GM Vice Chairman Bob Lutz famously called Buick a "damaged brand, " and speculation was rife that the Detroit auto giant would pull the plug.

Lutz表示,未来几天欧洲债务危机的形势可能将决定市场走向,因欧盟主要官员谈及希腊可能进行债务重组.Lutz said developments around Europe's debt crisis over the next few days could determine the market direction as top EU officials talk about a possible debt restructuring for Greece.