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村庄散布在山林之中。The villages straggle in the mountains.

一天又一天,我和我的人努力抑制罪恶的浪潮。Day after day my men and I straggle to hold back a tidal wave of crime.

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理解我的人亦然湮灭,仅仅剩下我自己在为渺茫的理想而苦苦挣扎。Anyone understand me gone, just leave me alone to straggle for my vague dream.

一些散乱的摇摇欲坠的建筑便是这山村留下的一切。A straggle of crumbling buildings is all that remains of this hill-side village.

但我们仍在努力的寻求与众不同去改变世界,去为希望而梦想。Yet sill we straggle to make a difference to change the world, to dream of hope.

中庭里到处都是一群群实物大小的绵羊在人工草皮上漫步。Elsewhere in the court a flock of life-sized sheep straggle across a field of AstroTurf.

还没到下午,三三两两的人拖着疲惫的身体回到村里,那些身强力壮的人还在山洞里搜索。Early in the forenoon parties of jaded men began to straggle into the village, but the strongest of the citizens continued searching.

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在接下来的几天里我们还要经过四个苏格兰岛屿,它们像戈尔特斯冲锋衣那样对我们毫无阻碍。Over the next couple of days we fanned out across four more Scottish islands, a straggle of Gore-Tex meeting little or no resistance.

成百上千的人带着大大小小的购物袋拥挤在人行道上,有的在拼命地寻找着出租车,有的在尽力地挤出莫西商场的门口。Hundreds of people laden with purchases battle along the pavements, search despairingly for scarce taxis or straggle to get through Macy's doors.

这在当时对唤醒民众投身救亡图存斗争之中,无疑起了积极作用。His views played an important part in calling on the people to plunge themselves into the straggle of saving their country from perishing from the world.

在这些政策指导下,美国对叙利亚实施了“散乱行动”和“徽章行动”,但由于各种原因相继归于失败。At the same time, the United States implemented " Straggle Operation " and " Wappen Operation " on Syria. Due to various reasons, these actions had failed.

以资产阶级政治文化为主体的西方政治文化,是在反封建斗争中形成与发展起来的矛盾统一体。Western political culture, which takes capitalist political culture as its main part, is an entity of contradictions occurred and developed in the antifeudal straggle.