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看电影。Watch films.

少看电视。Watch less TV.

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一块怀表。A pocket watch.

观看并跟读。Watch and read.

看好你的卡。Watch your card.

小心夹手!Watch your hand!

它是一枝旧表吗?Is it an old watch?

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小心猫头鹰!Watch out for owls!

注意你的信号。Watch your signals.

你的表走得准吗?Is your watch right?

这手表需要擦油了。The watch wants oil.

你平常看不看电视?Do you ever watch TV?

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他偷了一只表给她。He stole her a watch.

我让人修了表。I had my watch fixed.

我会小心照看它们。I watch out for them.

小心你的邻居。Watch your neighbors.

我能够看龙舟赛。I can watch boat vase.

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我甚至不看电视的.I don't even watch TV.

你那个是电子表吗?Is your watch digital.

烂片也要看。Watch bad movies, too.