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它们使测试更单元化。They make tests more unitary.

未来会是一个大同世界。The future lay in a unitary world of total consummation.

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中国是一个单一制的多民族的社会主义国家。China is a socialist multi-national country under a unitary reign.

介绍了整体式波前校正器的金刚石切削原理。The diamond turning principle of the unitary W. F. C. is introduced.

是的反对法兰成型,与单一的法兰上的支持。The opposed flanges are molded-in flanges unitary with the upper support.

该方法可确保迭代矩阵列的单位列正交性。It can ensure unitary column orthogonality for the resulting matrix sequence.

中国是有着悠久历史的单一制的中央集权国家。China is a centralization country that has the unitary system of long history.

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证明中,我们得出另一种独立的幺正变换。In proof, we derive another independent unitary transformation of this cloner.

通过保持量子态是单位向量,变换就都是幺正的。By keeping quantum states as unit vectors, the transformations are all unitary.

富有讽刺意味的是,切尼这样一个统一执行权的支持者竟推动了这一趋势的发展。It's ironic that Cheney, a proponent of the unitary executive, drove this trend.

这种灵魂和记忆的结合,可以被象征激发。this kind of unitary repertoire of spirits and memories can be evoked by symbols.

幺等良品,小铺有请,家俱一二,欧陆风情。Unitary such good quality and small shop there, please, furniture 12, European style.

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本文报导了白氨酸—乙酸丁酯为复合有机底物的化学振荡反应。This paper reports on oscillatory reaction using L-leucine as unitary organic compound.

讨论了一元归责论和二元归责论。The unitary ascription of responsibility and dual ascription of responsibility are discussed.

事实上,在所有的王朝中中国人都认为他们是一个统一的国家。Actually, the Chinese have seen themselves as a unitary state even throughout their dynasties.

不同于其他文献之处在于,这个联合幺正变换对于所有情况是惟一的。In this scheme, the unitary transformation is given uniquely, which is not the same as others.

THCF系列船用水冷柜式空调是一种单元式中央空调机组。THCF marine water-cooled cabinet air-conditioner is a kind of unitary central air-conditioner.

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法兰西共和国是被组织作为一个单一的半总统共和国的民主。The French Republic is a democracy which is organised as a unitary semi-presidential republic.

上层的支持包括单一模在期刊,支持齿轮机构组成部分。The upper support includes unitary molded-in journals supporting components of gear mechanism.

讨论了分子轨道定域化酉矩阵的性质,揭示了其物理意义和统计性质。The properties of the unitary matrix for the localization of molecular orbitals were discussed.