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就让一切遂愿吧!Let all Suiyuan bar!

您能告诉我随园中餐厅在哪么?Could you tell me where Suiyuan Restaurant is?

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1929年,绥远地区发生了百年不遇的旱灾。From 1926 to 1929, the biggest flood in a century hit Suiyuan region.

本文题目中的“归化城”,地理范围上主要是指清代的归化和绥远二城。The city of Guihua here geographically refers to two cities of Guihua and Suiyuan.

1951年,绥远地区开展了大规模的取缔一贯道的斗争。In 1951, the struggle to ban Yiguandao started on a large scale in Suiyuan district.

总之,这一时期绥远地区的重大灾荒,引发了严重的人口问题。In one word, the serious drought in late 1920s led to the serious population problem in Suiyuan region.

敌向徐州、郑州、西安、绥远诸路逃跑,是没有可能或很少可能的。There is little or no possibility that the enemy will flee towards Hsuchow, Chengchow, sian or Suiyuan.

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但是,阎锡山“绥西屯垦”在有关屯垦的研究中没有涉及,而且在有关阎锡山的研究中也没有受到重视。But the researches on opening up wasteland did not involve reclamation and cultivation in west of Suiyuan.

20年代末的绥远灾荒,使得该地区民众大批死亡,而更多的人则沦为为求生存而四处逃亡的灾民。In the drought of late 1920s in Suiyuan region, many people died and more people went into exile in order to survive.

1918年的鼠疫流行,给绥远、山西等疫区带来巨大的生命和经济损失。The plague between 1917 and 1918 brought great lost of life and economy to the people in Suiyuan and Shanxi provinces.

但是,绥远商会的产生仍然是社会进步的标志,因为它顺应了历史进步的潮流。However, the emergence of Suiyuan Chamber of Commerce is still a sign of social progress, because it fulfils progress trend.

1949年9月19日,董其武率领近十万驻绥远的国民党军队通电起义,宣布加入中国人民解放军行列。On Sept. 19,1949,10,000 Kuomintang soldiers stationed in Suiyuan led by Dong Qiwu declared their uprising by telegram, and joined the PLA.

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将军衙署按清一品封疆大吏衙署的格式建造,位居绥远城中心西北处,是当时城中最大的建筑群。General Yashu on-one format for the construction of Fengjiangtaili Yashu, ranked Suiyuan City Centre Northwest, was the biggest buildings in town.

1929年的夏天,正处于休假期间的路易·艾黎来到绥远省,帮助中国华洋义赈救灾总会进行赈灾工作。In the summer of 1929 during his annual leave, he travel ledfar inland to Suiyuan Province helping the China International Famine Relief Commission.

首先从随园女弟子的特征入手,探讨这一群体的社会阶层构成、崇尚性灵的诗学观和创作的自觉性。First from characteristic of Suiyuan women disciples , it inquires into their forms of social stratum, advocates singling poem theory, and creative consciousness.

本文通过对目前呼和浩特城市形态特征的研究,希图找出绥远城兴建给呼和浩特城市形态演变带来的影响。The study on today's urban form characteristics of Huhhot can help to trace back to the influence of Suiyuan City construction on evolution of the urban form of Huhhot.

绥远屯垦经历了从无到有、从盛至衰的历史过程,文章对有清以来绥远屯垦的演变进行梳理,以期勾勒出清代以来绥远屯垦沿革的清晰脉络。The paper discusses the history of cultivation in Suiyuan since Qing Dynasty, with a view to give a broad outline of history of cultivation in Suiyuan since Qing Dynasty.

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同年8月一二O师一部和地方武装组成大青山支队,挺进绥远北部,开辟了大青山抗日根据地。In August the same year, 12 O composition of Division 1 and the local armed Daqingshan detachment, advance Suiyuan north, opened up a big anti-Japanese base of Castle Peak.

1913年,盛岛角房来中国,曾在绥远及鄂尔多斯的喇嘛庙内“修行”两年,被称为“日本喇嘛僧”,是有名的“蒙古浪人”。Kaku Fusa Mori Shima, who came to China in 1913, and who practiced Buddhism in the lamaseries of Suiyuan and Ortos, called "Japanese Lama monk", was a famous "Mongolian Wanderer".

晋绥边区是抗日战争时期我党领导的革命根据地之一,包括我省西北部和绥远省东南部广大地区。Jin-Sui Border Region is the Anti-Japanese War I, one of the party-led revolutionary base areas, including the province's southeastern province of north-west and Suiyuan vast areas.