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好的松狮犬舍在哪里啊?Good Chow kennel where ah?

欢迎走近我们的松狮犬舍。Welcome To Our Chow Chow Kennel.

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狗舍当然是设在育儿室里。Of course her kennel was in the nursery.

猎狗应该养在户外的狗窝中。Sporting dogs should be kept out of doors in a kennel.

你上次是什么时候打扫狗窝的?When was the last time you cleaned out the dog kennel?

那只斗牛狗也伸长腿在狗窝前的草堆上懒洋洋地躺着。The bull-dog lay stretched on the straw outside his kennel.

我邻居在他家后面的养狗场,养了三只德国短毛猎犬。My neighbor has three Dobermans in a kennel behind his house.

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我们在很短的时间内成为了中国第一流的萨摩耶繁殖犬舍!We become the first-level samoyed kennel in China during these years!

你让你家的狗睡在外面的狗窝里还是睡在家里?Dogs your dog sleep outside in a kennel or do you let it sleep indoors?

八小时的上班时间里,你带他们去执行任务,回来就把他们关到养狗场。You take them out in eight-hour shifts, and they're back in the kennel.

狗舍的气味是分层的,充满了绝望。The smell of the kennel was rank, the atmosphere fraught with desperation.

有一条特点最突出的公獒“东风”是园中之宝。The most prominent male dog "Dong Feng" is a treasure in the mastiff kennel.

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一些养犬的朋友认为,自己实在没有时间来做犬粮,很忙等等。Some kennel friends think, they have no time to do dog food, is very busy and so on.

一头名叫阿道夫的德国杂交牧羊犬趴在它的狗窝里German shepherd crossbreed dog namedAdolf sits in his kennel in BerlinOctober 15, 2003.

美国狗窝俱乐部每年一度的最受欢迎狗狗大比拼又开始了,今年参赛犬种共有157种。American Kennel Club lists annual ranking of popular dogs from the 157 different breeds.

爱犬俱乐部表示,去年新进榜的是法国斗牛犬及哈瓦那犬。New to the list for 2005 were the French bulldog and the Havanese, the kennel club said.

第130届“威斯敏斯特狗狗秀”今年已经举行,共有2,500多只狗参赛。The 130th Westminster Kennel Club Show was held this year and over 2,500 dogs took part.

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美国爱犬俱乐部表示,贵宾狗挤掉了拉布拉多和腊肠狗。The poodle edged out the Labrador retriever and dachshund, the American Kennel Club said.

在堪察加半岛,狐狸幼崽会在五月份出生,在六月份才能在洞穴外活动。In Kamchatka, fox-cub usually comes to being in May, but get out from kennel only in June.

猫巴比被放进一个较小尺寸的笼子,这样才好塞进芭比较大的狗屋里。So Bobby the cat was placed in a smaller-sized cage that fits inside Bobbi’s larger kennel.