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他们对新鲜的香草情有独钟么?Do they have a fondness for fresh herbs?

我喜欢心算因为使用心算是很方便的。My fondness for mental arithmetic came in very handy.

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阿尔巴托夫十分注意正式场合人们举止的细微之处。Arbatov had a fondness for the niceties of formal behavior.

我有许多的爱好但是只能停留在喜欢的层次。I have many fondness fors but layer that stay around to like.

难怪纽约客对金刚有持久的钟爱。No wonder New Yorkers have such an abiding fondness for Kong.

女生们还爱把小时候的照片也登出来。Girls also had a fondness for including photos from childhood.

灰胸绣眼鸟是杂食性的但是尤其喜爱食用植物的果实。Silvereyes are omnivorous but have a particular fondness for fruit.

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她看上去对丈夫非常疼爱,对他妹妹伊莎贝拉也不错。She showed great fondness for her husband, and for his sister, Isabella.

喜好商业辞令的Mually总裁爱说,“数据让你自由”,“不公开就会难以管理”。“The data sets you free,” says Mr Mulally with his fondness of business-speak.

布莱克还记得,迪卡普里奥钟情于德国巧克力杯型蛋糕。Mr. Black also remembers Mr. DiCaprio’s fondness for German chocolate cupcakes.

托娃的天真是有点儿过了,可是曼迪能够相信她可是曼迪可以相信她,她也理解托娃的殷勤并无他意。But Mandy could trust her, and she understood that Tovah’s fondness was genuine.

在北美,手掌轻拍小孩的头部是一种表示喜欢的手势。An open-palmed pat on the head of a child is a gesture of fondness in North America.

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除了网络与游戏,还有什么其他的兴趣爱好?In addition to the network and game, also have what other interest a fondness fors ?

这几个月可以是你以后欣悦回味的日子,也可以是最好忘却的体验。Thosemonths can be ones to remember with fondness or an experience better forgotten.

鲁伯特梅铎对油印墨迹的喜爱常常令华尔街分析师们感到不解。Rupert Murdoch's fondness for printer's ink has sometimes baffled Wall Street analysts.

海蒂不习惯于拥抱之类过于外露地表现自己的感情。Hetty was not sufficiently familiar with caresses or outward demonstrations of fondness.

黄怒波称他对冰岛和冰岛人民有着特殊的感情。The charismatic Mr Huang claims to have a particular fondness for Iceland and its people.

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他仅仅对书本和音乐感兴趣,而且很爱写诗。And he stood alone in his interest in books and music and his fondness for writing poetry.

另一方面,他也同样喜爱我们孟加拉的老作家和毗湿奴派诗人。On the other hand he had an equal fondness for our older Bengali authors and Vaishnava Poets.

第一,雪橇比赛期间阿拉斯加州人对他们州长的喜爱令我印象深刻。First, during the Iditarod I was struck by the fondness that Alaskans showed for their governor.