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他真是不在的好。He was indeed a good riddance.

我们终于摆脱了腐败懦弱的国大党!Good riddance to coward, corrupt, congress!

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我总算打发掉了20多年前那段疯狂的日子。I said good riddance to the wild years of my early 20s.

我的男朋友离开了我,谢天谢地,我总算摆脱他了!My boyfriend has walked out on me and good riddance t him!

再不会有恼人的黄色问号了,真是不错的解脱。No more of those annoying yellow question marks. Good riddance.

对美国而言,煤炭取之不尽、用之不竭的时代已近尾声,但这也昭示着我们终于能够摆脱它了。We are approaching the end of plentiful coal in the U.S. and good riddance to it.

时代广场新年夜庆典活动的协办公司号召大家在第四届“大解脱日”上对那些不美好的回忆永远地说再见。The Good Riddance Day is held in Times Square in New York, the United States, Dec. 28, 2010.

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“大解脱日”活动由时代广场联盟组织,为本周四的水晶球降落仪式暖场造势。Good Riddance Day was organized by the Times Square Alliance as part of the buildup to Thursday's ball-drop celebration.

纽约市民艾琳?劳伦斯获得“最具创意除旧奖”,并赢得250美元的奖金,她“粉碎”了她的前任老板。A 250 dollar prize for the most creative act of riddance went to New Yorker Eileen Lawrence, who symbolically shredded her former boss.

在美国说着“谢天谢地”告别2010年之际,它是否也在和经济衰退与心理沮丧说再见?As it says goodbye and good riddance to 2010, is America also saying so long to depres- sion, both the economic and the psychic varieties?

对这个精神病人的话,我不屑评论。当这些变态开始到处拉屎的时候,垃圾箱是他们最好的归宿。I don't give a shit about what this freak's saying! When these fucking mutants start pissing around, garbage bin will provide good riddance of their crap.

作为从往往守旧并对上高度恭敬的企业界爬上来的人,我很高兴地终于可以向许多陈旧的办公室文化说再见了。As someone who came up through the ranks of the often hidebound and highly deferential corporate world, I am glad to say good riddance to much of the old office culture.

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第三届一年一度的“大解脱日”活动于本周一在纽约时代广场举行,很多纽约民众和外地游客把过去一年中不开心的记忆放进一个粉碎机�,迎接崭新的2010年。Scores of New Yorkers and tourists seeking a fresh start in 2010 came to Times Square on Monday to put their bad memories through the shredder at the third annual Good Riddance Day.

一年一度的"摆脱糟糕的一年"活动为民众提供了向过去不愉快经历告别的机会,如烦人的男友、糟糕的财政决策和让人心碎的球队等。The annual "Good Riddance Day" is a chance to say good-bye to all the bad things that happened this year, like annoying boyfriends, bad financial decisions and heartbreaking sports teams.

纽约市民梅丽莎-奥尔特曼说她把一个名字“粉碎”掉了。“我一度很喜欢这个人,但现在只想忘掉他。”So on annual Good Riddance Day, members of the public were invited to jot down their least favorite moments and memories, then stuff the paper into a giant shredder set up at Times Square.