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他的应诺就是我们的保证。I will be your warrant.

这是我们的搜查令。Here's our search warrant.

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他的应诺就是我们的保证。His promise is our warrant.

已发出拘捕他的拘票。There's a warrant out for him.

“你们有搜查证吗?”我问。"Do you have warrant?" I asked.

委任状上盖有治安官的印章。The warrant bore the sheriff's seal.

勤勉是成功的可靠保证。Diligence is a sure warrant of success.

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侦探宣誓所控属实后领到一张搜查证。The detectives swore out a search warrant.

这可能证明了一种不同的分类。This may warrant a different classification.

我当然向他们保证绝不会的,"他机灵地说。I'll warrant nothing will,” he said shrewdly.

你会接到委任状,变成一个同居者。You will Receive a Warrant and Become an Inmate.

法庭对这个嫌疑人发出了逮捕证。The court issued an arrest warrant on the suspect.

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有足够的线索来证明这结论。There are enough clues to warrant that conclusion.

风险转移与货物的瑕疵担保责任。With the liability for warrant of defects of goods.

他说给出的解释是没有正当理由。He said the excuse given was that there was no warrant.

警察要搜查一座房屋必须有搜查证。The police must have a search warrant to search a house.

希望我们不要搞到FBI人员带着搜查令来敲门的地步。We don't want the FBI at our door with a search warrant.

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你是什么时候发现他你被拘传?Q. When did you find out that there was a warrant on you?

关于准尉的一个典型例子是直升飞机驾驶员。A good example of a Warrant Officer is a helicopter pilot.

警察通过宣誓控告从而领取了对这个嫌疑犯的逮捕证。The policeman swore out a warrant for the suspect's arrest.