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猎人捕得一只臭鼬。The hunter snared a skunk.

买鼬鼠还是更多酒?Money for skunk or just more booze?

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走起来像只鸭子,跺起脚来像只鼬子。Walk like a duck and stomp like a skunk.

那种事做得太缺德了,你这卑鄙的家伙!That was a rotten thing to do, you skunk !

即使这样,伊利诺伊州内捕获的臭鼬均实施安乐死。Even so, any skunk captured in Illinois is euthanized.

但考贝克说,臭鼬身上没有哪一点能让人们喜欢。But Kaulback says there's nothing adorable about a skunk.

今天是笑翠鸟和臭鼬王国向你们问候。It is the Kookaburra and Skunk Kingdoms that greet you today.

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如果你在明尼苏达州戏弄臭鼬,你也可能会入狱。Tease a skunk in Minnesota, and they can haul you off to jail.

菲尔很喜欢嚼舌头,成了不受欢迎的人。Phil loves to gossip and has become the skunk of the garden party.

臭鼬帮助农民吃掉那些啃食庄稼的啮齿类动物。The skunk helps farmers by eating the rodents that chew on their crops.

我就四处寻找土拨鼠和鼬鼠,很想表演我的骑士精神。And looked round for a woodchuck or a skunk to exercise my chivalry upon.

ꅸ“我们的地下室里有一只臭鼬,”打电话的人对警察调度员尖叫道。"We have a skunk in the basement, " shrieked the caller to the police dispatcher.

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“好,”弗兰克说,“还有,汤姆,我想你先把手头的这个项目先搁置一下。"Good," Frank said. "And, Tom, I need you to put your skunk works project on hold.

布兰卡多和欧文发现的这只臭鼬,关在屋主理查德。考贝克枝叶繁茂的后院的一个小笼子里。Brancato and Owen find the skunk in a small cage in homeowner Richard Kaulback's leafy backyard.

因为臭鼬不断增多,家养的宠物和野外臭鼬接触的机会也变大。And because skunk numbers are up, there's more chance of a household pet tangling with one outside.

布兰卡多表示,由于臭鼬在自然界没有任何天敌,它们的数量就会增加到很多。Brancato says skunk populations can grow large because they don't really have any natural predators.

衣服如果被美国臭鼬喷到,即便是用最强力的洗涤剂也洗不掉那种气味。Clothing which has been sprayed by an American skunk is unwashable even with the strongest detergent.

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与她搭档的是一匹黑色的驯马。因为长着特别的白色的腿和尾巴,被人叫做“讨厌鬼”。She was paired with a black saddle horse, called Skunk for his distinctive white legs and white tail.

“我们的地下室里有一只臭鼬,”打电话的人对警察调度员尖叫道.“我们怎样才能把它弄出来?”"We have a skunk in the basement," shrieked the caller to the police dispatcher. "How can we get it out?"

我跟他讲了卡比碰到臭鼬的事儿,他很平静地听着,好像无动于衷。I told him the story of Cappy's encounter with the skunk. He listened very matter of factly, seemingly unimpressed.