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下堂课见。Next time.

时间飞逝。Time flys.

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黑棋时限。Black time.

白棋时限。White time.

我时间很急。Lots of time.

时间在流逝。Time pass by.

午睡时间到了。Itrs bed time.

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这次不行。Not this time.

再来一遍One more time.

光阴似箭,日月如梭。How time flies.

那是神的时间吗?Is it his time?

是打枪的时候吗?Hits gun's time?

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控制洗浴时间。Limit bath time.

时间在流逝。Time is passing.

谁的时区?Whose time zone?

这次,是面部整容。A face this time.

哈哈,夏天来了。Ahh, summer time.

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抓紧时间。Before your time.

别浪费时间了。Don-t waste time.

太浪费时间啦。HUGE time waster.