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由你指定吧,哪一个该留下。Do you designate who is to remain.

在区内划设通风廊。Designate air corridors in the area.

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花,还是季候的使者。Flower, or designate an envoy quarter.

在这幅地图上黑线标示疆界。Black lines designate boundaries on this map.

我采访了即将赴任的大使。I had an interview with the ambassador designate.

定下一个洗衣日,然后一举洗好脏衣服。Designate a laundry day and do it all in one swoop.

您需要指定许可的权限范围。You may designate the jurisdiction of your license.

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在塘沽装货比较合适。It's better to designate Tanggu as the loading port.

你可以设定一周的某天为无电视日。You might designate one day a week a screen-free day.

他们选派杨先生为实验室主任。They designate Mr. Yang as director of the laboratory.

指定安全的储存区,保护您的产品。Designate secure areas to store and protect your products.

在定义本地任务时,可以指定其中一个作为默认任务。When defining local tasks you can designate one as the default.

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这是一个可以任意指定分割大小的文件分割器。This is a partition can designate the size of the file splitter.

日本的当选首相今日将完成组阁。Japan'sPrime Minister- designate is completing his Cabinet today.

士林是一个长远的用于指定既是一种方法和制度。Scholasticism is a term used to designate both a method and a system.

在共享页面时,您可以将用户指定为查看者或编辑者。When you share a page, you can designate users as viewers or editors.

您还可以将用户指定为页面级别上的查看者或编辑者。You can also designate users as viewers or editors at the page level.

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您可以指定一台内部的机器作为时间服务器。You could designate one of your internal machines as the time server.

但是无需注册即可发布实验性子类型。However, you can designate experimental subtypes without registration.

你在营外要有厕所,你可以出到那里去便溺。Designate a place outside the camp where you can go to relieve yourself.