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刚刚去招行开了一卡通回来。I've just processed a card in CMB.

我想从工行转1000元到招行。I want to transfer ¥1000 from ICBC to CMB.

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CMB相关研究证实,宇宙是平的。CMB studies show that the universe is flat.

央行将在招行实行试点,实施市场浮动利率。Pilot to float interest rates starts at CMB.

因此利用药物支架可能是志向的拔取。So drug eluting stent may be the optimal choice for CMB patients.

招行是国内目前唯一一个能在信用卡业务上赚得利润的银行。CMB is currently the only commercial bank to have made a profit in the segment.

研究了HMB和CMB两种光学纤维面板的成分差异。The composition difference between optical fibre plate HMB and CMB was studied.

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宇宙微波背景辐射所展示的星系的聚簇现象比预想的要明显的多。The amount of CMB radiation spotted near clusters of galaxies is greater than expected.

本公司是台湾及丹麦合资企业,是集铸造与加工为一体的大型生产厂商。Suzhou CMB Machinery Co. , Ltd is a joint-venture between CMI Group and Birn in Denmark.

地幔底层既是俯冲板块的最终归宿,又是热柱和超级热柱的源区。The CMB is the impinged by subducted slAbs and is the source of mantle plumes and super plumes.

身为招行张江支行的一员我很自豪,我们的队伍很年轻,有很强的融入性。I am proud of being a member of the CMB . Our team is young, and has strong integrations ability.

说说我知晓的招行信用卡旁边本部的福利待遇的基本环境!!!!CMB talk about my credit card next to the known benefits of this Part, the basic environment! ! ! !

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根据理论,背景辐射中的光子应该与这些星团相互作用,从而获得更高的能量。According to theory, CMB photons should interact with these clusters, getting kicked to higher energies.

但WMAP却没能够发现这些高能量的光子,所以在宇宙微波背景辐射上那些星系的周围有些光子的亏损。WMAP cannot detect these higher energy photons, so there should be a deficit of CMB photons around clusters.

他解释说,“宇宙微波背景的确清晰可见,但图片本身经过色彩强化,所以你无法从中得出科学结论。”"The CMB is certainly visible but the image itself is colour-enhanced so you couldn't do any science with that," he explained.

彭罗斯和古萨德扬不能发现大爆炸前现象的证明,只是又发现了CMB包含模式。Gurzadyan & Penrose have not found evidence for pre-Big Bang phenomena, but have simply re-discovered that the CMB contains structure.

瓦伦蒂尼说隐变量理论可以比标准的量子力学更好地符合已观测到的宇宙微波背景辐射的结构。Valentini says that hidden variables could provide a closer match with the observed CMB structure than standard quantum mechanics does.

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宇宙微波背景辐射被认为是大爆炸的“余烬”,是宇宙年龄约30万岁时遗留下来的,均匀地分布于整个宇宙空间。The CMB is the radiation that exists everywhere in the universe, thought to be left over from when the universe was only 300,000 years old.

宇宙大指南之大爆炸大约在大爆炸发生后的38万年后,自从第一批电子与质子合成原子后,CMB光波就开始在宇宙空间里传播了。The CMB light has been traveling through space since electrons and protons first combined into atoms some 380,000 years after the Big Bang.

2011年8月22日下午,由招商银行举办的“8小时低碳工时卡”全球首发仪式以接近“零排放”的形式正式启动。On the afternoon of August 22, 2011, CMB launched the world's first '8-Hour Low-Carbon Card' as part of its zero-carbon emission initiative.