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住着伟大的阿赫第!Dwells the mighty Ahti!

有势力的人是如何没落的。How the mighty have fallen.

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艾舍斯特使劲吸了一口气。Ashurst took a mighty breath.

看哪,伟大父神君临!Lo, the Mighty God Appearing!

软弱的要说,我有勇力。Let the weak say, I am mighty.

大能者神耶和华。The Mighty One, God, the LORD!

你英武的名字应传颂。Your mighty names shall sound.

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国王收到了两只威武的猎鹰。The King got two mighty falcons.

我在自己的挂钩上仍然做得很好。I did mighty well on my own hook.

这些都是神的奇妙作为。These are the mighty works of God.

强大的狮子呀!请借予我妳的能量!Mighty lion, lend me your energies.

他有一颗强大的猎人之心。He has the heart of a mighty hunter.

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他是一位真正的伟大和威武上帝!He is Truely a Great and Mighty God!

在一个强大的贝森多夫三角钢琴。On a mighty Bösendorfer grand piano.

这个强大的帝?囯最终瓦?解了。The mighty empire finally crumB?led.

他万能的臂可以把波浪分开。His arm is mighty to divide the wave.

一个强大的帝国曾统治世界。Once a mighty empire ruled the world.

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强大的主控制先生。Mister high and mighty master control.

东风浩荡。The east wind blows with mighty power.

但狮子强有力的声带是方形的。But the lion's mighty pipes are square.