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但是,医生办公室的照片毫不含糊地说明了。But the picture from the doctor’s office unambiguously does.

电路图中,每一个信号都应有明确无误的名称。Each signal in the block circuit diagram shall be named unambiguously.

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我被清楚的告知林德的父母已经为他聘请了律师。And I had been told unambiguously that Lindh’s parents had retained counsel for him.

这是一项立意鲜明的政治演说,并且还受到了宪法第一项补充条例的明确保护。And it is clearly political speech, which the constitution’s first amendment unambiguously protects.

图书馆组织方案中经常使用规范文件来明确定义一组术语。Authority files are often used in library-organization schemes to unambiguously define a set of terms.

但罗斯福实际上是个顽固的财政保守者,历史记录清楚明白地证明了这一点。But Roosevelt was in fact a stubborn fiscal conservative, as the historical record unambiguously demonstrates.

你怎样才能明确指出你想要特定的明了的接口应用的方法信息呢?How do you unambiguously specify that you want a method info of an specific explicit interface implementation?

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通过核磁,红外,紫外,NOESY谱等对这些产物的立体结构进行了准确地鉴定。The stereo-selectivity of the products was unambiguously assigned based on MS, NMR, IR, UV-vis, and NOESY spectra.

服务模型必须足够完善,以使服务提供者和使用者能明确地知道该服务是怎样的。A service model should be complete enough so that service providers and consumers unambiguously know what the service is.

除传统的一级SFO过渡类型外,本研究明确了二级SFO过渡类型的存在。Besides the traditional first-order type one, we unambiguously confirm an existence of a second-order type SFO transition.

但是现在最重要的,是它的非洲邻国明确声明,暴君必须下台,否则就消灭他。But most of all it needs its African neighbours to tell the tyrant unambiguously to go-and to snuff him out if he refuses.

除此之外,意大利总理塞尔维奥·贝卢斯科尼是唯一毫不含糊支持前工党领袖的欧盟领导人。Silvio Berlusconi, the Italian prime minister, is the only EU leader to have unambiguously backed the former Labour leader.

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最后,它规范化了BPMN元素的执行语义,这有助于清楚地解释BPMN流程模型。Finally, it formalizes the execution semantics of BPMN elements, which helps to interpret BPMN process models unambiguously.

Kobakhidze说,“在边界状态下,重力对中子的影响毫不含糊地否定了‘重力的本质是熵’这一观点”。"Experiments on gravitational bound states of neutrons unambiguously disprove the entropic origin of gravitation, " he says.

这时你的工作就是让人们能够冷静、容易并且清楚的知道事实,以及预期的前进方向。Then your job is to let people know coolly, simply and unambiguously what the facts are, the way forwards and what’s expected.

曾经属于“游牧”的社会群体,有很多都聚集在平民窟,人类学家称之为sedentarization.,即指永久定居的游牧人群。Many groups that once unambiguously fit the category have clustered in slums in a process anthropologists call sedentarization.

波洛克是显著的美国风格,他的主题是美国的大理念,自由——他绘画时像一名即兴演奏的爵士音乐家。Pollock is unambiguously American and his theme is freedom, the big American idea – he paints like a jazz musician improvising.

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还从没有过一个强度足够大或者持续时间足够长的信号能够毫不含糊地被确定为来源于外星智慧的。No signal has yet been strong enough or run long enough to be unambiguously identified as originating from anextraterrestrial intelligence.

我们可以添加标记以将读数元素封装到组中,以使频带和读数值明确地相互关联。We could add tags to encapsulate reading elements into groups so that the bands and reading values are unambiguously related to each other.

最后对欠采样信号解频率模糊,估计信号的初始频率。Moreover, the initial frequencies of the sub-sampled LFM signal are estimated by the signal with its delay version production unambiguously.