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他的拉锁拉上一半时卡住了。Her zipper stuck halfway up.

山的半中腰有一座房子。A house is halfway up the hill.

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山的半中腰有一座亭子。A pavilion is halfway up the hill.

他在去商店的半道儿迷路了。He lost his way halfway to the shop.

在跑马拉松的中途我就放弃了。I give up halfway through the marathon.

记着命运之神会在半路上迎接你Knowing that life will meet you halfway

在上山的半路上,发动机熄火了。Halfway up the hill,the engine pooped out.

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将它在杆子或木头上环绕半圈。Wrap it halfway around the pole or timber.

请问,我可以在中途下车吗?Excuse me, may I get off the train halfway?

我买了你的书,读到一半了。Hi, I got your book. I'm halfway through it.

那匹马在赛跑中途跛了腿。Halfway through the race the horse went lame.

他本不应该做这项事情时功败垂成。He ought not to have stopped his work halfway.

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对,如果你没听到答案的话?I'm sorry? Halfway. Why? You're right, but why?

一位护士引导我们穿过走廊来到特护病房。A nurse directed us down the halfway to I. C. U.

我们的汽车刚走到半路就出了毛病。Our car conked out when we had got only halfway.

第一周刚过了一半,当地出现了一场暴风雨。Halfway through the week, there was a huge storm.

一棵老极了的长春藤攀在砖墙的半腰上。An old ivy vine climbed halfway up the brick wall.

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他答应过王阿姨。今天你要顺道到她家看她。I've got to promise you that 1 won't stop halfway.

莫里无力地抬抬手,连腹部也没超过。Morrie weakly lifted a hand, halfway up his belly.

当我走到一半的路程时,那辆电车经过了我。When I was halfway there, the streetcar passed me.