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韦尔奇男士从前是囚犯。Mr. Welch is an ex-convict.

他用勒戈尔。韦尔什的名字写作。He wrote under the name of Raquel Welch.

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不过,其他人认为韦尔奇说的不靠谱。But others consider Mr. Welch out of touch.

韦尔奇对洛瓦托和销售代表拒绝发表评论。Reps for Lovato and Welch declined to comment.

这是杰克韦尔奇,拉里博西迪和埃德胡德。It was Jack Welch , Larry Bossidy, and Ed Hood.

弗洛伦斯·韦尔奇看起来就像,好吧,就像弗洛伦斯·韦尔奇。Florence Welch looking like, well, Florence Welch.

韦尔奇以性子急、大嗓门和直截了当而闻名。Mr. Welch was known for being brash, loud and direct.

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狄克逊心里想着,不知道韦尔奇是否听到他在咬牙切齿。Dixon wondered if Welch could hear him grinding his teeth.

那么,“到淡化”通过与阿娇韦尔奇的Decemberists的。So is "Down By The Water" by the Decemberists with Gillian Welch.

“韦尔奇框架”只是众多领导力文学作品之一。The Welch framework is just one of many in the leadership literature.

李东生曾和退休后的韦尔奇有过一次面对面的谈话。There used to be a conversation between Lidongsheng and the retired Welch.

贝尔与42岁的伊拉莎白·赫利、66岁的拉奎尔·韦尔奇并列第九。Biel shares ninth place with 42-year-old Elizabeth Hurley and 66-year-old Raquel Welch.

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博尔格先生,安排工作杰克在韦尔奇农场,但Welches拒绝杰克的帮助。Mr. Bolger, arranges for Jack to work at the Welch farm, but the Welches refuse Jack's help.

韦尔奇指责伊朗处心积虑地威胁国际安全和中东和平。Welch took Iran to task for threatening international security and peace in the Middle East.

在许多20岁的年青人中,Welch更加关注能保持一个更积极的网络形象。Mr. Welch is among many twenty somethings concerned with maintaining a positive online identity.

举个例子,通用电气公司位于班加罗尔的约翰·韦尔奇技术中心创造了一系列的技术奇迹。For example, GE's John F. Welch Technology Center has developed a string of technological marvels.

微软的比尔盖茨,IBM的路易斯郭士纳,通用电器的杰克韦尔奇也许符合那一类。Microsoft's Bill Gates, IBM's Louis Gerstner and General Electric's Jack Welch may fit into that category.

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韦尔奇说,即使这一增长速度仍赶不上某些亚洲国家,但对这个地区来说却是一个令人充满希望的征兆。Even though that is slow compared to some Asian countries, Welch said it is a positive sign for the region.

前CEO杰克·韦尔奇重塑了这家工业用品和消费品公司,使其核心业务增加了金融服务。Former CEO Jack Welch restructured an industrial and consumer company to put financial services at its core.

韦尔奇说,经济改革对在该地区建立强有力的政府和推行政治改革至关重要。Welch said economic reform is crucial in building strong governments and implementing reforms in the region.