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如果短信不管用将会采取强硬手段来解决问题。If that fails, more coercive means will be used.

强制人道干预将是复杂而代价高昂的。A coercive humanitarian intervention would be complicated and costly.

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而矫顽力则随掺杂量的增多持续下降。The coercive force gradually decreased with the MnO2 content increase.

因此,目的型国家理论不可避免地是不稳定且压制的。End-state theories are , therefore, inexorably destabilizing and coercive.

已证实引入偶极缺陷使矫顽场强下降。It is shown that the introducing of the dipolar defects will decrease the coercive field.

矫顽磁力不能作为评价金属陶瓷硬质相颗粒大小的判据。The coercive force can't be used as a criterion to estimate the grain size in the alloys.

变革的模式,应该是适度强制下的诱致性制度变迁。The transformation should be induced institutional changes under moderate coercive forces.

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而切向永磁体采用剩磁密度高但矫顽力却很低的铝镍钴。The tangential-set magnets are AlNiCo with high remanent flux density and low coercive force.

严禁违法调整、收回和强迫流转农民承包地。Unauthorized land adjustments, confistication and coercive land subcontracting are prohibited.

研究发现接近排卵期的女性比不处于排卵期的女性更可能认为男性会进行性侵犯。Women nearing ovulation rated men as more coercive relative to women in the non-fertile phase.

因此,植根于目的型国家理论的政治制度必然是不稳定与压制性的。Hence, political systems wedded to end-state preferences are necessarily unstable and coercive.

在这其中,“规则是强加的,服从基本上都赖于强制性权力的使用。”In it, “rules are imposed and compliance is ultimately enforced through coercive uses of power.”

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被胁迫行为是许多国家刑法规定的一种刑事责任辩护理由。Act under coercive is a kind of criminal responsibility defense in Criminal Law of many countries.

与传统的强制措施相比,反恐强制措施更为严厉。Compared with traditional criminal coercive measures, the anti-terrorism measures are more scathing.

被胁迫人实施一定作为或不作为的内容是处分权益。The content of feasance or nonfeasance carried out by coercive object is disposal rights and interests.

当我们采用强迫性权力时,我们可以控制他人的行为,但只是在我们强迫他们时才有效。When we use coercive power, we are able to control others' behavior, but only as long as we force them.

未决羁押是各国刑事诉讼中广泛采用的一种人身强制措施。Pending custody is the national criminal proceedings in the widely-adopted a personal coercive measures.

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言下之意,强制性的控制政策与生育率降低并没无关系,生育率无论如何都会降低。By implication, coercive controls had little to do with lowering fertility, which would have happened anyway.

两难提问作为一种说服手段,实际上是有一点强迫性的,因为它试图否定被问者的自由选择权——即回答还是不回答的选择权。As a persuasive device, it is somewhat coercive in nature as it seeks to deny the person questioned free choice.

发现矫顽力对恒温热磁处理温度极为敏感。It has been found that the coercive force is very sensitive to the temperature of isothermal magnetic treatment.