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嗨,吉姆。你知道光明节吗?Hi, Jim. Do you know about Hanukkah ?

给我讲讲光明节吧。Can you tell me something about Hanukkah?

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犹太人过光明节。Jewish people celebrate the holiday of Hanukkah.

光明节是一个为时八天的犹太教节日。Hanukkah is an eight-day Jewish holiday in December.

而我的朋友们,那就是光明节的真正意涵。And that my friends, is the true meaning of Hanukkah.

我们希望你能更多地祝福此圣诞节或光明节。We wish you many blessings this Christmas or Hanukkah.

“欢乐世界”包括圣诞节和光明节的歌。"Joy to The World" includes songs for Christmas and Hanukkah.

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光明节的一个传统就是吃很多油炸的食品。Part of the tradition of Hanukkah is eating a lot of fried food.

所以犹太人的光明节,是庆祝公元前164年夺回圣殿。So 164 in the cleansing of the temple is what Jews celebrate with Hanukkah.

我侄女在光明节的每个晚上都能得到礼物。My niece gets a small gift each night of Hanukkah and of course spins the dreidel.

在家庭活动间我们有一个光明节房,在客厅有一个圣诞节房。We have a Hanukkah Room in the family room and a Christmas Room in the living room.

七分枝圣烛台是光明节庆典的一个标志。Menorah, a special candleholder, is a symbol associated with the celebration of Hanukkah.

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光明节是光的盛宴,我们没有送礼物的一天,但有八个疯狂的夜晚。Hanukkah is the Festival of Lights, instead of one day of presents, we get eight crazy nights.

在这里介绍一款光明节食谱,是传统的啤酒跟辣椒酱融合的炖牛胸肉。Our recipe for Hanukkah is a variation on the traditional beer and chili sauce-braised brisket.

他们要购买圣诞节、光明节和非裔美国人解放的庆祝活动所需的礼品。There are gifts to buy for Christmas, Hanukkah and the African-American celebration of Kwanzaa.

光明节对我来说比较有意义,但我也喜欢送圣诞礼物给我的朋友。Hanukkah is more meaningful to me, but I also enjoy giving presents to my friends for Christmas.

对基督教徒来说,修殿节重申神的信实和衪的救赎计划。For Christians, the lesson about Hanukkah reaffirms the faithfulness and the salvation plan of our God.

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孩子们很喜欢光明节,因为节日期间他们每天都会收到礼物,这其中也包括钱。Children love Hanukkah because each day of the festival they are given gifts. Money is also given to children.

光明节是长达八天的节日。它从犹太历三月的第二十五天开始,即希伯来历的九月。Hanukkah is an eight-day holiday which begins on the 25th day of Kislev, the ninth month of the Hebrew calendar.

渐渐地这些大男孩成了罗斯家不可或缺的一部分,他们甚至在光明节的时候帮着点蜡烛。Slowly the big boys became an integral part of the Rosen household, even helping to light the candles at Hanukkah.