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在我后院的“饮鸟水盆”里拍了这张照片。I composed this photo in my backyard birdbath.

他们都非常好,而且水盆是看得见的,我觉得这样和母亲非常亲近。They were wonderful. And the birdbath is very visible.

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目前,市场上水龙头和水盆品种很多。Current, the faucet on the market and birdbath breed are very much.

韩志杰嘲笑上官蕊水性杨花,上官蕊不悦,一脚踢翻旁边的水盆。Jeff han mock ShangGuanRui oft, ShangGuanRui displeasure, next to a foot kick birdbath.

那个作为她栖息地的水盆则放在一条圆形古板路的突出位置。The birdbath that was to be her resting place was highlighted with a circular flagstone path.

这样做能将自来水、毛巾和水盆上的杂菌彻底杀灭。Such doing can will tap water, towel and birdbath of miscellaneous bacteria killing thoroughly.

水盆龙头有分体、单体之分,您可根据实际情况采用。Birdbath bibcock has the branch of fission, monomer, you can be used according to actual condition.

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工作台的高度应以主妇站立时手指能触及水盆底部为准。The finger when the height of workbench should stand with housewife can touch birdbath bottom is accurate.

水盆、镜子和照明灯属于浴室家具除家具门板之外三个重要部分。Birdbath , mirror and floodlight belong to bathroom furniture to divide furniture door plank besides 3 substantial.

像花朵一样的水盆也很实用,底部已上釉,可方便地安装在台上。The birdbath like flower is very practical also, bottom already glaze, can install conveniently go up in the stage.

但假如是质量欠佳的洗手盆,就会涨满水盆甚至流向地面,把地板弄湿弄脏。But the lavabo that if be quality, owes beautiful, can go up full birdbath flows to the ground even, wet the floor flyblown.

橙色和粉色的洗浴用品分别放在浴缸和水盆旁边,也能起到很好的装饰作用。The things washing bath of orange and pink is put by bath crock and birdbath respectively, also can have very good adornment effect.

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各式香味的浴盐、浴露及造型各异的烛台、水盆是营造气氛的高手。Dew of the bath salt of various fragrance, bath and modelling the candlestick of each different, birdbath is the ace that builds atmosphere.

挑选玻璃水盆时,主要看选用的材料是否为钢化玻璃、热膨胀系数是否符合国家的要求。When choosing vitreous birdbath , basically see chosen material whether accord with national requirement for toughened glass, hot coefficient of expansion.

宠物店老板问道,“恩,可能买下这个给鸟洗澡的盆子会起点作用……”于是,这个人刷卡买了这个鸟盆。" asked the manager. "Well, perhaps a birdbath would do the trick. " The credit card was whipped out, the purchase made, and the guy was back home with his new birdbath.

这种设计别致的东西要买就得买一套,浴盆啊、水盆啊,都得跟它配套才好看,这样下来价钱就太贵了。The thing with this kind of unique design should be bought have to buy, tub ah, birdbath , must follow its form a complete set gift is nice, such coming down price is too expensive.

如用湖蓝色水盆,插粉红色的荷花,这样冷色的盆与暖色的花形成了冷暖对比,更进一步烘托出花的妩媚。If use lake blue birdbath , insert pink lotus, the flower of the basin of such cool color and warm color formed contrast of changes in temperature, further foil gives beautiful charm.

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而有些厂家只报出厨柜基本报价,如要另做抽屉,或由厂家安装水盆,则要另外收取费用。And some manufacturer sign up for ark giving kitchen to quote basically only, if want to make a drawer additionally, or install birdbath by manufacturer, want additional collection charge.

准配置有烟机、浮士德燃气灶、水盆、龙头,进口台面等,全套价格在2300-2800元之间,方便实用。Accurate configuration has cigarette machine, Faust to light gas cooking stove, birdbath , bibcock, entrance mesa, complete set price is in 2300-2800 yuan between, convenient and practical.

“鸟类饮水器”最好和水龙头尽量近一些,在夏天,每两三天放空清洁一下这个东西,防止藻类和细菌的滋生。Water for birds should be as close to a faucet as possible, for refilling and cleaning. Empty and scrub the birdbath every 2-3 days in the summer, to prevent algae and bacteria from fouling the water.