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所以杠杆性引发风险So, leverage brings risk.

双方还可以充分利用经贸混委会机制,同时也应该加强两国企业的直接联系和沟通,开辟合作的新渠道。The two sides may also fully leverage

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第一,杠杆作用是整个要点。First, the leverage is the whole point.

我们可以用铁橇来应用杠杆原理。We can use a crowbar to apply leverage.

他对这位政界人士有些影响。He has some leverage over the politician.

这可能会给以后的绑匪一些提示。It might give future kidnappers some leverage.

杠杆率等于负债权益比Leverage is measured by the debt-equity ratio.

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这似乎是我们可以借鉴的一个细节。So that seemed to be a detail we can leverage.

利用经过验证的面试技巧“收买人心”。For buying, leverage proven interviewing techniques.

大型对冲基金运用经济杠杆赢得双赢局面。It's a win-win for macro hedge funds using leverage.

在合适的地方利用消息流的对称性。Leverage symmetry of message flow, where appropriate.

利用好您的里程积累和奖励积分。Leverage your frequent-flier miles and reward points.

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茶枕使用一段时间后茶叶会不会变碎?Are teas broken after long leverage of the tea pillow?

中国家庭的杠杆率仍然相当低。Chinese households' leverage ratio is still quite low.

现在决策计划就可以利用知识库了。Now the decision plan can leverage the knowledge base.

剪刀及拔钉鎚即属于此类槓杆。Scissors and claw hammer that belongs to such leverage.

找到撬起地球的杠杆,你就能变得更懒。Find the leverage in the world, so you can be more lazy!

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在做事之前,发现一些你可以撬动的因素。Before doing something, find the things you can leverage.

它们杠杆系数很大,而中国没有杠杆方面的规定。They are very levered and there are no rules on leverage.

利用这些技能将你提升到更高的境界。Use those skills to leverage yourself up to the next level.