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犹太教的希伯来圣经。It's the Hebrew Bible for Judaism.

我也在校外的希伯来语学校教书I also teach Hebrew school off campus

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是用希伯来文和希腊文写成的。It was written in Hebrew and in Greek.

有少在它的希伯来文的成语。There is less in it of the Hebrew idiom.

但是,希伯来圣经中确实有“和她一起“一词。But the "with her" is there in the Hebrew.

他坐在那里对着古老的希伯来文本大伤脑筋。He sits puzzling over ancient Hebrew texts.

有些希伯莱字母有两种读法。Some Hebrew letters have two pronunciations.

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从希腊文或希伯来文原文来翻译每句话。Translate each work from the Greek or Hebrew.

摩西五经,希伯来圣经首五卷。The first five books of the Hebrew Scriptures.

但如果你不会希伯来语,你就会觉得没有停顿But if you don't know Hebrew there's no pauses.

司提反是希伯来语还是亚拉姆语名字?Hmmm.Stephen,is that a good Hebrew or Aramaic name?

他们非常了解我的屠杀希伯来文。They are very understanding of my butchered Hebrew.

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“雅典娜”是指“一群女人在一起”在希伯来文。"Athena" means in Hebrew a "group of woman together".

古西伯来人和亚洲的古器物也在这里被发现。Ancient Hebrew and Asian artifacts have also been found.

以利亚是希伯莱圣经或旧约里的一位先知。Elijah is a prophet of the Hebrew Bible or Old Testament.

你知道“HE”是希伯莱文字母表中第五个字母吗?Did you know "HE" is the 5th letter of the Hebrew alphabet?

这必然会涉及希伯来圣经。And that will necessitate referring to the Hebrew Bible some.

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他们想学习希伯来语。They wanted to go back to the Hebrew. So they learned Hebrew.

这个词语在整部希伯来圣经中只用过两次。This word is used precisely twice in the entire Hebrew Bible.

同样在希伯来语中上帝是单数名词而让我们中的我们是复数名词。Also in Hebrew God is singular and the words let us is plural.