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所以你真的能够最挑剔的还是大用户。You are so true can the most captious big still user.

我们的产品会令最挑剔的客户满意。Our products will satisfy the most captious customers.

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如何满足网购消费者们挑剔的胃口?How to satisfy a net to buy customer people captious appetite?

过分挑剔色差,追求纹理一致。Beyond the mark captious chromatism, pursuit grain is consistent.

法律中不允许过度矫情和做作的表述。The law does not allow of a captious and strained intendment, for.

在性爱这个问题上,男人是非常自私、非常挑剔的。In sexual love on this problem, the man is very special selfishness, captious.

他的评论一向轻率并爱吹毛求疵,从不有建设性的建议。His criticisms were always captious and frivolous, never offering constructive suggestions.

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我是一个完美型的人,太注重细节,有时有些挑剔。I am a perfectionist and I pay ver much attention to details . Sometimes I am quie captious.

出于你手的顶级�理能让最挑剔的人闭嘴,能让你的家人和朋友感到更加幸福与骄傲。Then your top cuisines can shut up the most captious mouths and make friends, families happier and prouder.

反之,吹毛求疵的强制制度所形成的工作氛围不利于企业的健康发展。On the other hand, captious and restrictive atmosphere goes against the healthy development for the company.

但这种拼贴对创意、对瓷砖图案都十分挑剔,价格也不菲。But this kind goes all out stick very pair of originality, captious to ceramic tile design, the price also does not poor.

从猴舍里传来一些难以讨好的灵长类震耳、疯狂的吼叫声,使整个丛林充斥着野性的呼唤。From the monkey house came the loud, insane hooting of some captious primate, filling the whole woodland with a wild hooroar.

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在这里,没有设计的条条框框,用艺术的感染力打动挑剔的目光,先锋和怀旧在这里得到完美结合。Here, without the conventions of the design, move with artistic appeal captious look, pioneer and nostalgic get perfect couple here.

这样的公司和治理机制才能经得起最挑剔和最成熟的美国资本市场的考验。Such company and withstand of administrative mechanism ability are the most captious the test with the most mature American capital market.

用猫的视角来观察周围的事物,也许之前挑剔的老板、伤心的失恋早已被抛在生活之外。To observe thing around you in a cat's view, maybe the used captious boss and heart-struck lost love will be abandoned away from your life.

假使这种手段行使得不适宜,不那么崇拜,不那么专业的的话,会使教授显得寻瑕索瘢,令厌倦,打击了表乐主张的主动。If this method is not respectful and professional, it can tend to make the professor captious and tiresome and discourage the expression of views.

这一夜有无数的精灵在轻扯我的衣衫,梦里我舍不得挑剔自己。The spirit that this has countless overnight is pulling my garment unlined upper garment gently, I am hated to part with in the dream captious oneself.

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但它对行路者也很挑剔,太过温存、绵绵软软或犹豫不前的,它都会拒之门外。But it is right travel road person very captious also, too cross soft of attentive, continous soft or hesitant not before, its metropolis close the door on.

老板独特的挑衣眼光,让美眉们爱不释手,一定可以满足您购物的需求。New arrivals are issued periodically every week, attracting the eyeballs of young girls. The unique, captious taste of our boss will satisfy your needs necessarily.

精炖熬煮的牛骨汤面。现剥沙虾现做的鲜虾馄饨,加上独家肉燥与汤头,特制弹性十足的细、粗面条,绝对让口味挑剔的您一再回味。The noodle in cattle bone soup, fresh shrimp wonton, unique port sauce and soup, elastic fine and coarse noodles, will satisfy you captious taste with endless aftertaste.