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我们需要修正这一失衡。We need to redress that imbalance.

没人能为他申冤。Nobody could redress the grievance for him.

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他的著作试图纠正这个错误。His tome is an attempt to redress the balance.

亚瑟王设法纠正他国内的弊端。King Arthur tried to redress wrongs in his kingdom.

美国官员说他们会“使劲压以达到矫正的效果”。US officials said they would, "press vigorously for redress".

「我只要活著就要寻求赔偿,」77岁的夏淑琴告诉新华社说。I will seek redress as long as I live", Xia, 77, told Xinhua."

抗议,或要求补偿一方或重新审理,的代表。Protestor, or party requesting redress or reopening, represented by.

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如果过了法定诉讼时效,原告将无法得到救济.If the statute of limitations has run, the plaintiff is without redress.

EHRC所提出的这些变化要纠正这方面的不平衡。The changes suggested by the EHRC would redress the balance in this area.

在消除卫生不公平方面的多数工作超出了卫生部门的范围。Much of the work to redress health inequities lies beyond the health sector.

我们这一代人正在尝试着去纠正我们祖先犯下的错误。Our generation is attempting to redress the wrongs committed by our ancestors.

这份信也表达了投资者,员工和客户要求补偿的呼声。The letter spells out demands for redress for investors, employees and clients.

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要警惕和纠正形形色色的隐性保护主义行为。We must guard against and redress all forms of covert protectionist activities.

我们班上女生比男生多,所以我们得平衡一下。Our class has more girlstudents than boystudents, so we must redress the balance.

做为私人诉讼当事人,我怎么对毁了我的事业的诽谤寻求补救呢?How can I as a private litigant seek redress for defamation that ruins my business?

采用节段性按摩法、异常姿势矫正法。Moment massage method and abnormal attitude redress method were adopted for massage.

第三部分对在跨国公司人权责任的追究进行阐述。Part three analyses the course of redress for the victims of TNCs's human rights abuse.

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我们这一代去改写那些错误的历史有没有可能性呢?Is there any possibility that our generation could redress all of the wrongs of history?

第三部分论述了公证赔偿诉讼制度架构的完善。Part Three discusses the perfection of the structure for our notarial redress mechanism.

因为罗斯福先生相信里面的人又权昭雪他们的冤情。For Mr. Roosevelt believed that the men inside had a right a redress of their grievances.