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它是帮助还是阻碍了你瑜伽姿势的练习?Helping or hindering your asana practice?

这个体式会引起上侧躯干轻微的背屈。This asana creates a slight backbend in your upper torso.

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瑜伽姿态使人坚决,阔别疾病并领有轻巧的身体。Asana make one firm, free from maladies, and light of limb.

流瑜珈是动态的体位法练习,结合了体位法与呼吸。Flow is a dynamic asana practice which combines movement with breath.

随后在2008年他离开了这家公司并成立了自己的公司,名为"Asana"。He then left the company to found his own company in 2008, known as Asana.

这个体式将帮助人们在练习流溢式调息时很容易漂浮于水中。Matsyasana This Asana will help one to float on water easily with Plavini Pranayama.

我们也将研习有益于健康生活的正规瑜伽体位法和自然疗法。We will also study formal yoga asana practice and natural therapies for a healthy life.

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每一个瑜伽体位都对应一个轮穴、一个唱诵和一种特殊关系。Each physical yoga asana corresponds to a chakra, a mantra as well as a special relationship.

本书的重点是解剖学和运动机能学与体位法练习和教学的关系。This book will focus on both anatomy and kinesiology in relationship to asana practice and teaching.

这种做法始于深呼吸和中心,通过热身拉伸和随后一系列的体式。The practice begins with deep breathing and centering, followed by warm-up stretches and the asana series.

一旦这个姿势对你来说变容易了,就努力尝试去做它的加强式,或者找到对你来说有挑战的新姿势。Once an asana becomes easy for you, try to either intensify it or seek out new poses that you find challenging.

现代大多数瑜伽老师对生理期的体位练习都适当地持保守态度。Most contemporary yoga teachers advise a fairly conservative approach toward asana practice during menstruation.

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对于糖尿病,便秘,不消化和精神衰弱的人群有缓解作用。This asana is very beneficial for those suffering from diabetes, constipation, indigestion and nervous weakness.

一个接一个优美的瑜珈姿态连续不断地拉伸、加固着你的身态。Each asana flows gracefully into the next one creating a continuous flow that stretches and strengthens your body.

象莲花坐一样,这也是一个冥想坐姿,可以舒适地持续保持一段时间。Like Padmasana, this is also the Asana for meditation. One can sit comfortably for a prolonged period in this Asana.

尝试感受每一个体式,然后走向其它的瑜伽练习。瑜伽是一门完整的生活科学,不仅仅是体式练习。Try to feel the asana and then switch to other Yogic practices. Yoga is a complete life science, not just only Asana.

体式和调息是瑜伽练习中可以被感知到的部分,而其他部分不像这两部分那样显而易见。Asana and pranayama are all perceivable aspects of yoga practice but there are other layers which are not that obvious.

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每个学生都应该自己决定,在经期时,自己最适合什么样的体式序列。Each student should decide for herself what kind of asana sequence is most appropriate for her body during menstruation.

这些锁用在各种呼吸控制法和体式练习中,目的是要对身体内部及其体内器官进行调节、清洁并使其有能量。These locks are used in various pranayama and asana practices to tone, cleanse and energize the interior body and organs.

之所以这样命名是因为身体酷似拉弓,背部伸展拉弓射箭的形状。This asana is so named because the body mimics the shape of a bow with its string stretched back ready to shoot an arrow.