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听到这里,我真是目瞪口呆。When I heard that, I was aghast.

吓呆了的孩子说不出一句话。The child aghast can't say a word.

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弱小的国家目瞪口呆并吓呆了。The weak countries were agape and aghast.

但是令它震惊的是,里面居然是一个老鼠夹。He was aghast to discover that it was a mousetrap.

“你当然知道什么叫吻喽?”温迪吃惊地问。"Surely you know what a kiss is?" she asked, aghast.

加里的曾祖母对加里那糟糕的语法感到很惊讶。Gary's great-grandma grew aghast at Gary's poor grammar.

许多民主党人惊骇于比尔克。林顿竟然赞同这样一项法案。Many Democrats were aghast that Bill Clinton favoured such a bill.

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思嘉想不到媚兰竟说出这样的话来,觉得太可怕了。Scarlett was aghast at such words coming from Melly of all people.

“你把一个基督牧师同野蛮人结成了夫妇?”艾布纳骇然问道。And you married a christian minister to a heathen?" Abner asked, aghast."

华尔街人士拿着令美国民众瞠目结舌的高薪,却毁掉了金融体系。America is aghast at how much Wall Streeters were paid to destroy the financial system.

没想到达子在谈恋爱方面完全是个不懂人事的小女孩,让他啼笑皆非。但是越来越被达子所吸引。He is aghast at her elementary dating experience but grows attracted to her more and more.

数据库专家无疑会惊骇于这种向大型机历史的明显倒退。Database mavens will no doubt be aghast at this apparent retrograde into mainframe history.

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此类袭击会在圣城发生,定让穆斯林世界为之震惊。Muslims around the world wouldbe aghast that such a thing has happened in such a sacred place.

马克王对二人背着他的偷情行为很是震惊,下令把二人关押起来。King Marke is extremely aghast by their tryst behind his back and gives the order to have the two arrested.

可口可乐亚特兰大总部的老板喜欢自家生产的可口可乐在各地都是无差异化的,因此他听到这个消息时非常惊讶。The big bosses at head office in Atlanta, who prefer their products to be the same everywhere, were aghast.

菲莉丝.哈尔姆的家人和朋友目瞪口呆,当她告诉他们,医师打算在她腿部的溃烂伤口上放蛆。Phyllis Hulme's family and friends were aghast when she told them doctors planned to put maggots on her leg ulcer.

骇然在一个与几十个几十个太阳系的行星概念,天文学家重新归类为小行星一大堆。Aghast at the notion of a solar system with dozens and dozens of planets, astronomers reclassified the whole lot as asteroids.

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说着他跳走了。蚱蜢更是惊呆了。他喊到,“这是什么世界啊?竟然是是又迟钝,又笨重的跳跳鱼赢了!He hopped out of sight. The grasshopper was aghast. He cried, "What is the world coming to? Dullness and heaviness win the day!"

一些出版业的分析家反对这个计划,宣称苹果公司收取的比例过高,而且条款也过于苛刻。Some publishing industry analysts are aghast at the proposal, claiming that the rate is much too steep and the terms too strict.

诺尔屯的话把他们俩惊呆了——他们的推理模式的根本信条一向是从事实出发,绘事实加上些名词术语。At this they were aghast. It was the cardinal tenet of their mode of reasoning to start with facts and to give names to the facts.