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理查德·李斯特在华盛顿发回的报道。Richard Lister is in Washington.

对股票投资者而言,也会有支持,但他们要为此付出多大代价呢?Lister says.'For equity investors, it will be there, but at what cost?

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那名女生同样是利斯特常去的健身俱乐部的会员。She also became a member of the local gym which Lister went to," said Miss Rafferty.

电话刚出现的时候,把某个电话号码列在号码簿里对编制者和所有电话用户都是有价值的。When telephones were new, having an individual number to list in a directory was valuable to the lister and to all other telephone users.

他的工作,并取得了争议,现在已经成为极具收藏吸引威廉姆斯和布拉德皮特名人阿利斯特买家如罗比。His work, having achieved controversy, has now become highly collectable attracting celebrity A lister buyers such as Robbie Williams and Brad Pitt.

最后,法庭判处利斯特18个月监禁,并命令利斯特终生不得从事与儿童有关的工作。He told Lister he would serve half the 18-month sentence before being released on licence. Lister was also banned for life from working with children.

不过很明显,微观管理是最大的风险之一。But it's pretty clear that micromanagement is one of the biggest risks. In Peopleware, DeMarco and Lister establish seven anti-patterns they dubbed Teamicide

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苏州正润重工机械有限公司不仅是韩国“利斯特LST”重工业在中国的独家代理销售商,还是一家实力雄厚的中美合资企业。Heavy Machinery Co. , Ltd. Suzhou pass like not only is South Korea, "Lister LST" heavy industry in China, the exclusive sales agent, or a strong Sino-US joint venture.

伦敦李斯特医院外科顾问约翰•斯卡尔猜测可能是一种名为动静脉畸形的胎记被移除留下的疤痕。John Scurr, consultant surgeon at the Lister Hospital in London, said it was likely to be a result of an arteriovenous malformation – a birthmark – being removed, " he said."

在拜读过路易斯·巴斯德的诸多著作之后,并观察石炭酸在污水处理中的使用,李斯特开始尝试在处理病人手术伤口时使用石炭酸。Having studied some of the work of Louis Pasteur, and read papers on the use of carbolic acid in sewage treatment, Lister began treating his patient’s wounds with carbolic acid.