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不少楼房是不规则的“异型”建筑。Many buildings are irregular " heteromorphosis" construction.

也有其它尺寸的异型粘土砖,如空心砖等。There are other dimensions of heteromorphosis clay bricks, hollow blocks, such as.

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他说,目前异型产品大行其道,对强化主导产品的装饰配套功能功不可没。He said, at present heteromorphosis products surged, leading to enhanced matching function much decoration products.

所有的别墅都采用异型柱框架结构,每平方米的平均造价要比普通结构高300多元。All villas are used heteromorphosis pillar framework, The average price per square metre structure than ordinary high 300 yuan.

为了满足客户拼接图案的需要,再加工工序用水钻对板材进行异性加工。To satisfy the customers' need to splice patterns, in the procedure of reprocessing, the panels are processed to heteromorphosis by man-made crystal glass.

本机可以完成异形铁艺工件的一次加工成形,铁艺工件一致性好,可实现批量生产,工作效率高。The machine can finish the moulding and processing of heteromorphosis iron craftwork with good consistency, and can process parts in batches and high efficiency.

对现有小规模异型材生产企业要进行改造,提高生产规模和产品质量。研究开发塑料门,以适应各种建筑的需要。Further increase product variety varieties, improving product curing nature, and are active in the development of heteromorphosis boards to meet market needs more tune.

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定做橱柜可以根据房间的实际情况来设计制作,对于特殊户型的异型厨房的设计优势明显。Customized cabinets can be designed in accordance with the actual situation in the production room for the special Huxing heteromorphosis kitchen design advantages apparent.

其实,只要将这些边角、异型矛盾处理好,它们也会成为家中的精彩之笔,否则反而会加强其带来的累赘、紧张之感。In fact, if these pieces, heteromorphosis handle the contradictions, they will become the home of the brilliant pen, otherwise it will strengthen its bring cumbersome, tense feeling.

如怎样利用楼梯的空间,怎样布置斜顶和异型的房间,怎样改造边角空间才能让人眼前一亮等,这些琐碎的问题会让业主大费心思。How to use the space as staircases, how desire and heteromorphosis room layout, how can we make another transformation corner space, which will allow owners of large animal trivial issues.