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比如这里我任意选一个“10“Here I arbitrarily chose 10.

好,请任意选择微笑者。Okay. Please arbitrarily decide on the smiler.

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不得任意调整溢流阀。Shall be arbitrarily adjusting the overflow valve.

因此,老年人不宜随意进补。Therefore, the elderly should not be arbitrarily tonic.

在MANET的拓扑中,节点可以任意移动。MANET is a network where nodes can move arbitrarily in the topology.

这里欧拉角可以用来表示任意大的转动。The Euler angles could be expressed with arbitrarily large rotations.

然而问题在于这种枚举的复杂性防不胜防。The problem, however, is that enumeration can be arbitrarily complex.

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在这个策略中罚分是任意指定的。However, the gap penalty cost is arbitrarily designated in this method.

端碗端水要拿稳,不可随意倾倒饭菜和茶水。A bowl of water to take firm, can not be arbitrarily dumping food and tea.

当然我们不能随便就说0就是假,1就是真。Let's not just arbitrarily say the number 0 is false, the number 1 is true.

村干部可以随时随地任意“重新调整”土地使用权。Village leaders can arbitrarily "readjust" land rights at a moment's notice.

恶意的攻击者可以通过这个账户任意地控制你的计算机。Baleful aggressor can pass this account to control your computer arbitrarily.

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可任意高定线长,线头,线尾及剥线长度。Can be arbitrarily high fixed-line length, lint, thread tail and Strip length.

拆迁人不得擅自提高或降低拆迁标准。Relocates the human not to raise or lower the relocation standard arbitrarily.

叶辛桐说有人不守规矩,随意旷工。Ye Xintong said that some people don't behave properly, arbitrarily absenteeism.

这是一个ASIIC吗转换程序,可以随意转换ASSIIC码,10进制码,16进制码。Switching procedures can arbitrarily change ASSIIC code, code 229 10. 16 hex code.

蓝移会持续下去到任意短的距离。The blueshifting continues without abatement, down to arbitrarily short distances.

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电动推杆设计,任意调节小腿和靠背高低角度。Motor-driven push-rod design, adjust arbitrarily the angle of the crus and the back.

请根据产品的承重进行使用,避免超负造成没必要的损失。Do not arbitrarily make up for their products, parts, to avoid damage to the product.

埃菲尔铁塔实质上组织了其周围事物,可以说是,随意地。The Eiffel Tower is a virtuality that organizes things, as one might say, arbitrarily.