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阁下现时是否大新银行信用卡客户?Are you existing Dah Sing Bank Credit Cardholder?

阁下现时是否大新银行信用卡客户?Are you an existing Dah Sing Bank Credit Cardholder?

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“是啊!”谭达说。“要是被抓住,他们就死定了。”"Yes!" Htan Dah said. "If they are caught, they could die."

我等了镇镇整整一个晚上,总是有人。Well, i wuz dah all night. dey wuz somebody roun all de time.

“是啊!”谭达说。“要是被抓住,他们就死定了。”"Yes! " Htan Dah said. "If they are caught, they could die. "

就是缅甸人用的刀嘛。好的缅刀太难求了。The Dao used by Burman. It's very hard to find a good Burma Dah.

“你有照片吗?”某天晚上,谭达突然这样问道。“你朋友们的?”"DO YOU HAVE PICTURE?" Htan Dah asked one evening. "Of your friends?"

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引起议论最多的是最小的妻子、也门姑娘阿马尔·萨达赫。Caused the most discussion is the smallest wife, Yemen, Amado Garza Dah girl.

请填妥此表格,并亲身交回任何一间大新银行分行,以便处理。Please complete this form and return it to any Dah Sing branch In Person for processing.

请检查网址重新输入或按这里返回大新银行首页。Please check the URL for proper spelling or click here to go back to Dah Sing Bank home page.

因此你的脑听到长音摩尔斯讯号的短音长音而且注射袋鼠进入你的思想注意和你说啊HAA!So your brain hears the DAH DIT DAH and injects KANGAROO into your minds eye and you say AH HAA!

仔、稚、幼鱼的生长速度具有明显的阶段性,1~2日龄仔鱼生长较快,5~9日龄生长减慢,21~30日龄生长加快,31~40日龄生长又减慢。The growth rate offish was higher during 1-2 and 21-30 DAH, but slower during 5-9 and 31-40 DAH.

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惠誉国际及穆迪于2009年分别肯定大新银行之长期信贷评级为「A-」及「A3」级。Dah Sing Bank's long term rating had been affirmed as "A-" and "A3" by Fitch and Moody's respectively in 2009.

谭达很少说话,只是当我指着屏幕上的一位女性朋友向他介绍时,他感觉有些意外。Htan Dah said very little. Once, he asked me to clarify the gender of the girl I was pointing to on the screen.

其专业的管理队伍、与对服务顾客的热忱承诺,乃集团成功的关键。Key to its success is the strength of the Dah Sing management team and the group's commitment to serving its customers.

意外保险服务乃专为提款咭客户而设的意外死亡保障,保障细则以大新人寿保险有限公司之保险主单条款为准。The Accidental Death Insurance provided by Debit Card is governed by the Master Policy issued by Dah Sing Life Assurance Co. , Ltd.

谭达说,除了目前这些人手外,还有来自其他部门和NGO组织的访问者,以及目前生活在缅甸“国内”的组织成员。Htan Dah said that in addition to present staff, there were visitors from other offices and NGOs, plus staff currently "inside"—in Burma.

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克伦妇女组织书记答爱柯说,面对即将发生的战争,女人和孩子是最脆弱的正在进行的冲突。Dah Eh Kler, the secretary of the Karen Women's Organization, said that women and children are the most vulnerable in the ongoing conflict.

惠誉国际及穆迪于2009年分别已给予集团之主要银行附属机构大新银行「A-」及「A3」级之长期信贷评级。The Group's main banking subsidiary, Dah Sing Bank, has been assigned long term rating of "A-" and "A3" by Fitch and Moody's respectively in 2009.

丰明银行为大新集团成员之一。大新集团为香港一家具规模的金融服务集团,主要经营银行及保险业务。MEVAS Bank is a member of The Dah Sing Group, which is a leading financial services group in Hong Kong, active in the banking and insurance business.