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记忆中的琐事。The triviality of my memory.

不要把妳的时间浪费在这些琐事上。Don't waste your time on such triviality.

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她对琐碎小事的忧心忡忡使他感到惊讶。He was surprised by the triviality of her anxieties.

他将彻底暴露他们的浅薄无能。He was going to expose their triviality once and for all.

这一面是不平凡的,它充满着美和欢乐。And that aspect has nothing of triviality in it, it is full of beauty and joy.

亲爱的,原谅我的直白和莽撞,对于我的琐细请不要介意。My dear, forgive for my abruptness and frankness, forget my triviality please.

我曾与它做过漫长的斗争,已经看到了理想的琐碎。I had quite a long struggle with it and have come to see the triviality of ideals.

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在政治中,若还说什么公众意见现在统治着世界,那几乎是多余的废话了。In politics it is almost a triviality to say that public opinion now rules the world.

她现在知道了,情感的碎屑在艺术中涂抹得比在生活中多得多。She knew now the triviality of those passions which art paints so much larger than life.

对政治家的访谈与内容相当耸动的八卦新闻放在同一个版面。Interviews with politicians were juxtaposed with news items of quite astonishing triviality.

他给予我们的是现实之中的“可信”部分,以及包含在细微之中的压倒性多数一方。He gives us the "authentic" part of reality and all the overwhelming side contained in triviality.

一个触发中微不足道的特点不应该作为一个低估其可能对受害者产生影响的借口。The triviality of a trigger should not be an excuse to underestimate the effect that trigger may have on a victim.

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我不由疑惑,在这个日常的世界中,平凡之物上的帷幕被掀开,难道是暮色中的魔力使然?Is this uplifting of the cover of triviality from the everyday world, I wondered, due to some magic in the evening light?

从琐碎的事物中挣脱出来,我们对世界的认识迈上新的高度——这便是空中风景摄影的个中滋味。Escape from triviality and entering the higher level of the world perception – this is whatair landscape photography is all about.

它不只是让休闲时间变少,它还扭转了创造性、建设性活动,使其创造了社交废话和琐事。It is not just having less leisure time it is a case of redirecting creative constructive activity towards creating social gibberish and triviality.

我完全能够想象,上帝厌烦只知道乞求的人类,被他创造的琐事所激怒,同样厌恶天堂与地球。I can very well imagine God being bored with men who only know how to beg, exasperated by the triviality of his creation, equally disgusted with both heaven and

他们在旧方式的交易中繁荣,陷于浅薄的事物中,那些他们视为交际的,专业和金融的成功。They thrived under the old ways of doing business and are stuck in the superficiality and triviality of what they deem social, professional and financial success.

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我完全能够想象到,上帝对于那些只知道如何去乞求的人类感到厌烦,他被自己所创造出的琐碎给激怒了,他同样厌恶于宇宙万物。I can very well imagine God being bored with men who only know how to beg, exasperated by the triviality of his creation, equally disgusted with both heaven and earth

人们被琐事和挫败感深深地压迫,找不到有价值并且吸引他们的目标或使命,找不到他们存在的意义以及内在的动力。Oppressed by a sense of triviality and thwarted purpose, men find no great goal or commitment to draw them, and no inner stimulation to give meaning to their existence.

学校体育细节具有细节的一般特点和它的特殊性,表现为相对性、永久性、具体性、真实性、体现性、微小性、教育性等特点。Details in school physical education is characterized by their relativity, perpetuity, materiality, authenticity, triviality as well as their expressive and instructive force.