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她的微笑足以让任何罪人改邪归正。A smile to turn any sinner saintly.

圣域传说将让你不再沉沦!Legend Of Saintly Terrain will retrieve you from lost!

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心怀高尚的灵魂并说一些圣洁的话就是善言。I. e. , To speak saintly words with the noble souls are truth.

记住了,即便是圣人也无法避免出现问题。Remember, problem happens even to the most saintly people on earth.

然而,一旦他们结婚了,妻子的角色突然变成了圣洁的母亲。However, once married, his partner assumed the role of the saintly mother.

另一版本甚至说她被尊为圣人,并且被认为是显圣。In others she is regarded almost as saintly and miracles are attributed to her.

圣洁的贞操对上天来说很珍贵,以至于上天几乎不允许处女死去。so dear to heaven is saintly chastity that heaven doesn't even permit virgins to die.

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就像之前提到的,不管多像圣徒,我们每个人都在某个时刻经历过嫉妒。As already mentioned, everyone experiences jealousy at some point, no matter how saintly they are.

根据这本书的说法,这位奇才家喻户晓的圣洁而又古怪的形象是精心培养出来的。According to the book, the familiar image of a saintly , eccentric genius was carefully cultivated.

一些较为成功的运营者实行了几乎圣洁虔诚的艺术家和他们的艺术。Some of the more successful operators practiced an almost saintly devotion to artists and their art.

开悟把你的灵魂拉上去,但是你必须训练自己的个性,让自己当个称职的圣人。Enlightenment lifts your soul up, but your personality, you have to retrain it to fit a Saintly person.

修道院的遗址在一座重新修建过的钟楼的上方,久经踩踏的石阶通向神圣的山洞。Ruins of the monastery stand above a reconstructed bell tower, and worn stone steps lead to the saintly cave.

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这个神圣的组织接受委托,在17个国家开展了一项关于人们最喜欢的食物的调查。That saintly organisation commissioned a poll in 17 countries asking people to name their three favourite foods.

我接受一个德国女士的指导,她曾在印度在一位圣师的指导下学习过,这里接受了我和我的两个十几岁的孩子。Directed by a German woman who had studied in India under a very saintly man, it accepted both me and my two teenage children.

在人世间和上帝同行的圣人们,都会欣然随他而往,定在新耶路撤冷的黄金展路上的。And saintly men, who walk with God on earth, would fain be away, to walk with Him on the golden pavements of the New Jerusalem.

在人世间和上帝同行的圣人们,都会欣然随他而去,走在新耶路撤冷的黄金铺路上的。And saintly men, who walk with God on earth, would fain be away, to walk with him on the golden pavements of the New Jerusalem.

格洛亚倒在一片血泊之中,她圣洁的白色衣服沾染了刺目的红色,一把短剑刺穿了她美丽的胸膛。Gloria falls on the ground with striking red blood dirty her saintly white clothing. A small sword impales her beautiful chest.

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他看得出,她一生含辛茹苦,如今苦尽甘来,嘴边总是带着温柔、圣洁的微笑。He could see that she had been patient all her life so that now after years of it her lips were set in a gentle and saintly smile.

他应该在节日那天与圣贤的奉献者联谊并夜以继日地念诵和唱诵主的荣耀。He should spend the entire festival day and night chanting and singing the glories of the Lord in association of saintly devotees.

他看得出她已经耐心了一辈子,经年累月,所以现在她的唇角透露出温柔和圣洁的笑意。He could see that she had been patient all her life, so that now, after years of it, her lips were set in a gentle and saintly smile.