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异议书已送达英特尔。Demur book already service Intel.

若再有一些国家出现反对或欺骗的情况,那么整个系统都将崩溃。If even a few nations demur or cheat, the whole system can break down.

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我对这些机器人如何工作很感兴趣,虽然我不认为应该称它们“智能”。I am interested in how these robots work, although I demur at their being called smart.

“我反对这项拆除计划,”一个长老说,“它会引起外界诋毁我们的教会的。”“I demur to the demolition idea,” said one elder. “It will cause outsiders to denigrate our church.”

对等同原则的主张可以运用禁止反悔和公知技术进行抗辩。It can demur by using The Doctrine of Prosecution History Estoppel and prior art to the proposition of DOE.

德国和其他北约老成员不愿意去的阿富汗热点地区,新成员波兰愿意前往。Where Germany and other NATO old timers demur in Afghanistan's hot spots, newcomer Poland is willing to go.

然而要求更快发展的人则认为,即使按目前的发展速度还是有许多穷人。However, people whom want faster demur as, there still have lot of prole even following currently develop speed.

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尤其是在QQ里,别人发来文件,不要二话不说就接收,这是很危险的。It is especially in QQ, others sends a document, do not want demur not to say to be received, this is very dangerous.

我在国外时,某些读过我的作品的人问我,某一篇故事是否具有典型的美国特徵,我竟一时语塞。When I'm in another country and someone who reads my books asks me if a story I've written is typically American, I demur.

债务人转移义务的,新债务人可以主张原债务人对债权人的抗辩。If the debtor assigns its obligations, the new debtor may claim the demur belonging to the original debtor in respect of the creditor.

目前,福田区人民法院对百度管辖权异议是否成立还没有作出裁定。Current, court of people of blessing cropland division is jurisdictional to Baidu demur is to deny hold water to had not made a ruling.

但当我说此事与其他人的反对意见无关时,我遭遇到了猛烈的评击和愤懑,因为以前他们有机会表示异议的。But I met with shock and indignation when I said this not in reaction to the others` objections, but before they had even had the chance to demur.

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第八十二条债务人接到债权转让的通知后,债务人对让与人的抗辩,可以向受让人主张。After the obligor receives the notification of transfer of the obligee's right, the obligor may claim its demur against the assignor to the assignee.

同时分析与请求权相应的支配权、形成权、抗辩权均不成为诉讼时效客体原因。The paper explains why the right of control, the right of formation and the right of demur cannot be the object of limitation of action in this chapter, too.

第二章对专利侵权抗辩制度的哲学基础进行了分析,主要依据洛克的劳动学说和激励理论中的平衡论。The second chapter analyses the philosophy base of the patent approaching demur system, mainly according as the balance theory in the labor doctrine and inspirit theory of Locke.

特别是,被告方一旦对委托创作合同上的作者签名的真实性提出异议,法院又往往要求原告方补充证据。Especially, the accused the authenticity demur that once add up to Alexandrine author to commending creative work, just signs, the court often asks again accuser square adminicle.

专利侵权抗辩是指侵权人在专利侵权诉讼案件中,针对权利人的诉讼请求提出的证明原告的诉讼请求不成立的事由。It is presented that the demur to patent infringement refers to the contradicting reasons which prove the non-existence of the plaintiff's claim in allusion to the complainant's claim.

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专利侵权抗辩的法定免责事项包括专利权用尽、先用权、临时过境使用、专为科学研究和实验而使用以及善意使用等事由。Patent infringement demur of the statutory exemption include exhaustion of patent rights, prior user rights, temporarily passing through, specifically experimental use, liable applications, etc.