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公文的流动通过强大的工作流引擎来实现。The fluxion of the document use the mighty workflow engine to realize.

在上海有很多外地人,所以上海人口流动很大。There are many foreigners in Shanghai, so the fluxion of population is very large.

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瞬变流动是供热管网中普遍存在的流动状态。Transient is the widespread and existent fluxion appearance in the heating networks.

无须专职保管员,由流动保安兼管。Need not the full-time preservation member, from the fluxion public security and tubes.

采用连续流动分析法,确定最佳实验方案。The optimal experiment scheme is achieved by adopting continuous fluxion analysis method.

心音信号是心脏在舒张和收缩运动中心肌、血液和瓣膜等机械振动产生的复合音。Heart sound signal is a compound sound of blood fluxion in heart systolic and diastole phase.

一般咬伤在脚踝,将膝盖屈起,压迫血管,减少血液流动。Generally bite in the ankle, start to bend a knee, oppress blood vessel, reduce blood fluxion.

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所在部门为公司资金部,掌控整个公司的资金流动。The place section is the company funds department, control the funds fluxion of the whole company.

本文主要研究火箭弹发射过程中火箭燃气在火箭筒内的流动规律。This paper mainly presents the fluxion rules of burned gas during the course of rocket shell launching.

全部患者切口一期愈合,无睑外翻、泪点闭锁及溢泪。All the wounds healed primarily without any complications such as ectropion, lacrimal stenosis and fluxion.

烟台食品工业系统人力资源的流动问题。These three problems are the aggregate demand, construction and fluxion Yantai Food-Industry System's human resources.

西方的社会资本理论在解释我国的职业流动现象时是否有效?。Whether is valid explaining the fluxion phenomenon of the occupation of our country in social capital theories of west?

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课堂教学就需要尽量做到使信息在共同体内顺畅流动。The classroom teaching needs to as far as possible attain to make an information in common smooth fluxion inside the body.

树脂基复合材料在模压成型过程中,在压力作用下,形成可压缩流动。The resin matrix composites in mould in press forming process, under the pressure function, become the condensable fluxion.

城市化的主要含义是乡村人口向城市的流动,从而引起的城市规模的扩大。The main meaning of urbanization is that a fluxion of countryside population to the city cause the causable city scale extends.

留地安置制度是中国土地要素流动非市场化条件之下的特殊产物。The allocation system of leaving lands is the special outcome on the condition of China land factor fluxion not basing on market.

结论单纯空气洁净可满足本实验车间洁净环境的空气卫生学标准。CONCLUSIONS The air conditioning room of unidirectional perpendicular fluxion can meet the needs of the air standard for experiment.

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采用压力式喷雾造粒设备进行碳化硅粉体的喷雾造粒处理,有效改善了碳化硅粉料的流动性。The spraying granulating of SiC powder was finished by pressure spraying drying equipment, which can improve the fluxion of SiC powder.

关于强降雨,由于空气的流动作用,是积聚多地区的雨云,集中生成。Concerning strong rain, because of the fluxion function of air is rain cloud that accumulates to gather many regions, concentrated born.

知识门户系统是一个方便快捷的管理交流平台,知识可以在知识门户系统中畅通的流动。The knowledge gate system is a convenient and fast management exchanges terrace, knowledge can at knowledge gate system in unimpeded fluxion.