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我们是校友。We are alumni.

你们是我校的第五批校友。You are our fifth group of alumni.

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请问您的眷属也是成大校友吗?。Is your spouse also an NCKU Alumni?

普林斯顿有哪些有名的校友呢?Who are some famous alumni from Princeton?

香港教育学院持续专业教育学院学生或旧生?。Are you a student or alumni of SCPE, HKIEd?

你能向我们介绍一个著名的校友吗?Could you describe famous alumni from here?

黎先生受训于香港葡萄酒学院。Lai is an alumni of Hong Kong Wine Academy.

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你能说说一些有名的USC校友吗?Can you tell us about some famous USC alumni?

能跟我们分享一位你们学校的著名校友吗?Can you tell us about one of your famous alumni?

麋鹿之心的毕业生所取得的成功引人瞩目。The success of Mooseheart alumni was remarkable.

陈教授对学长培导计划的价值予以肯定。Prof. Chan affirmed the value of alumni mentoring.

开发了一个校友通信录系统。A system of alumni address book website is developed.

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基金会鼓励扶轮社邀请前受奖人到社内演讲。Encourage clubs to invite alumni to speak at meetings.

一个很富的俄亥俄州立大学校友请我们去他家吃中午饭。An Ohio State alumni invited us to his house for lunch.

如果你以前的学校有校友会,那就加入吧。If your former school has an alumni group, get involved.

有1,361名应届毕业生和735名往届毕业生作了回答。Responses came in from 1,361 recent grads and 735 alumni.

这所大学刚建成了一座校友大楼。The college just finished building a new alumni building.

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你们有兴趣组建一个迪拜瓦岱勒人校友俱乐部吗?Would you be interested in having a Dubai Vatel Alumni Club?

你能跟我们讲讲你们学校的优秀校友吗?Can you tell us about one of the alumni from your university?

迄今为止,伯克利校友共获得了176格莱美奖。To date, Berklee alumni have won a total of 176 Grammy Awards.