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没娘的孩子极需要爱。The motherless children were starved of affection.

这些没有母亲的孩子渴望亲情。The motherless children were starving for affection.

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但是她们都像她一样失去了母亲,只有一个父亲。But they were motherless like her — and had a father.

你不要抓我,否则我的孩子没了母亲会很可怜!Don't take me, or my child will be motherless and piteous.

有谁不怜悯这个失去母亲的可怜小小姑娘。Who is there but takes pity on this poor motherless little girl.

她对于没有母亲的孩子们充满了怜悯心。Her heart was filled with compassion for the motherless children.

他找街坊邻居讨了一些牛奶来喂养那个没娘的孩子。He went to his neighbour to beg for some milk to feed the motherless baby.

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首先,由于部长没有指定特殊的图标,你们可以根据工作需要来选择一种。This is effort made by the ministry to visit the orphanage and motherless babies homes through out the country.

它们不利于社会发展和福祉,因为每年约有100万儿童丧失母亲。They are detrimental to social development and wellbeing, as some one million children are left motherless each year.

他叫鲍尔斯上校「照料这些无母无家的可怜小东西,务求牠们有充足的奶吃,获得好好对待。」" He then asked Colonel Bowers to"see that these poor little motherless waifs are given plenty of milk and treated kindly".

一九一八年妻子因突发的胃病去世,失去母亲的英格利变得沉默寡言。In 1918, he became a single parent with his wife's sudden death from a stomach disorder. Engrid was left motherless and melancholy.

“如果他只爱一个失去母亲的孩子,而另一个失去母亲的孩子就在他的眼前,那真是太残酷了,”波利想道。It's hard indeed, ' thought Polly, 'if he takes only to one little motherless child, when he has another, and that a girl, before his eyes.'

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黛西和温妮都被母亲的儿童,都参与了激烈的辱骂传统婚姻,双方都失去了自己的孩子。Both Daisy and Winnie were motherless children, both were involved in intensely abusive traditional marriages, and both lost children of their own.

要是卖给那些吃屎的葡萄牙人这研究成果,他们会赏赐你更多——一艘金子打造的大帆船。The dung-eating Portuguese'll give you more—a golden galleon. And the motherless Spaniards'll give you twenty! Out of sight of land you're always lost, lad.

目的探讨用STR基因座进行单亲鉴定出现矛盾基因座时下结论的策略。Objective To calculate the exclusion power of STR loci in motherless parentage testing and to discuss how to draw a conclusion if there are inconsistent loci.

但是这个可怜的失去母亲的孩子,当她发现她独自一个人在森林里,除了树和落叶她什么也看不到时,感到非常的受惊,不知道该怎么办。But the poor little motherless child, when she found herself alone in the wood, and saw nothing but trees and leaves, was dreadfully frightened, and knew not what to do.

这是我最后的希望看到这些钱投资在任何组织你的选择和分布式每年的慈善组织,贫穷和这些儿回家。It is my last wish to see that this money is invested in any organization of your choice and distributed each year among the charity organization, the poor and the motherless babys home.