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状态报告不顺眼。Status reports are seen as insubordinate.

很多教师不喜欢不服从的儿童。Many teachers dislike insubordinate children.

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他们引用数个反抗行为的例证。They cited several instances of insubordinate behavior.

教授引用数个反抗行为的例证。The professor cited several instances of insubordinate behavior.

他们为自己选择了这么一条谋逆犯上的路真让人遗憾。A pity that they chose such an insubordinate path for themselves.

他们的士兵训练有素但仍不顺从。Their soldiers are disciplined to the hilt but are also insubordinate.

按照妈妈说的做,如果不听话的话就告诉爸爸。Do as mother says. If you are insubordinate father will probably hear of it.

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从前我在学校里是不守规矩的,只是以不被开除为原则的。I was insubordinate at schools in my youth, as long as I wouldn't be expelled.

在企业内部,拒不服从指令的工人会面临遭解雇的威胁。In industry, a worker who is grossly insubordinate is threatened with discharge.

常常正是下面那块横板,用不肯屈服的旧习把我们劫为人质。Often, it is the rung just below that is holding us hostage with insubordinate habit.

要求高管们真正违背命令以遵守道德准则的时候,这是个非常高的要求。It is a very high bar when we ask executives to be genuinely insubordinate in order to be moral.

任何挑战你决心的行为都是不服从和无理的,这是为了寻找偷懒的机会。Anyone questioning your decision is being insubordinate and disrespectful and probably just looking for a way to slack off.

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猫与其它家养动物不同的与人类保持距离的个性,从前被认为是邪恶和不服从,但现在已被广泛作为独立和自尊的象征。Their refusal to defer to humans like other domestic animals, which seemed wickedly insubordinate in earlier centuries, is now taken as evidence of self-respecting independence.