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所留下的最后一段文字。This is the last known writing of Abd al-Hazir.

各部件采用同步带及齿轮传动。The components are driven by synchronous belt abd gears.

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关于经理室新来的秘书,有什么闲话吗?Theres dirt on the affair between Jessica abd the manager.

关于杰西卡和经理之间的风流韵事,流言满天飞。There s dirt on the affair between Jessica abd the manager.

我儿子告诉苏丹穆力·阿伯德·艾尔·拉哈曼我们已经买了多少书。My son told Sultan Moulay Abd Al-Rahman of the quantity of books I had bought.

和BD相比,ABD不仅能抵抗被动攻击还能抵抗主动攻击。Compared with BD, ABD can resist not only passive attack but also active attack.

它现在被保存在位于提希特的阿伯艾尔·穆米图书馆,以书写精美的安达卢西亚文字誊写。It is now in the Abd Al-Mu'min library in Tichitt, copied in fine Andalusi calligraphy.

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瓦哈比主义是300年前由穆罕默德·本·阿卜杜·瓦哈卜谢赫创立的一种伊斯兰法学主张和理论。Wahhabiyah is one theory of Islamic law founded by Muhammad ibn Abd Wahhab 300 years ago.

Nashiri被解去枷锁,由戴着外科手套的看守者带到法庭。Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri was led into court, unshackled by minders wearing surgical gloves.

叙利亚内政部长马吉德说这个事件是“恐怖行动”。Syria's Interior Minister Bassam Abd al-Megid is calling the bombing an "act of terrorism."

实验同时表明,基于ABD的作战仿真是研究NCW的有效工具。Meanwhile, the results show that ABD based combat simulation is an effective tool to NCW study.

这里是马尼拉的阴影,占房者们住在用偷来的木板,自行车轮胎和油桶搭起来的屋子里。Shadow Manila. Where squatters live in homes made from stolen hoardings, bike tyres abd oil drums.

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这一基础在过去曾不断地受到攻击、非难,马克思主义者曾同这些理论斗争过。The foundation was attacked and reproached time abd again in the past, and Marxists fought against them.

而官网上对巫师的介绍也完全是针对女性巫师的,所以男性巫师将会有一个不同的故事背景。Also, the entries by Abd al-Hazir are all about a FEMALE Wizard, so the male one needs to have another story line.

我还记得,父亲,那时您叮嘱我的,一个男人就必须永远忠于自己,忠于他的国家,他所爱的人和他的子孙后代。I remember Dad that you told me a man must always be honest to himself, his country, his loved ones abd his fellow man.

于是,几乎就在同时,羚羊和狮子一跃而起,迎着朝阳奔去。So, almost at the same moment , both the antelope and the lion jump to their feet abd start running toward the rising sun.

也门信息部的副部长阿尔-贾纳迪说,萨利赫已经指派副总统哈迪代理总统。Deputy Information Minister Abdou al-Janadi said the president had assigned Vice President Abd al-Rab Mansur Hadi as acting president.

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本月初他似乎要做出妥协,授权副总统Mansour代他签署有关文件。Earlier this month he appeared to inch closer to accepting it, authorising his vice-president, Abd Rabbo Mansour, to sign on his behalf.

土耳其总统居尔抵达亚美尼亚首都埃里温,这是土耳其国家元首第一次访问亚美尼亚。The turkish president abd ullah gul arrived in the armenian capital yerevan the first time a turkish head of state has visited the country.

玩者在游戏过程中会捡到科技物件,拿到船上后可以进行研究以解锁新武器。Instead of loot drops abd containers full of equipable gear, you find technology pickups that can be researched on your ship to unlock new weapons.