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他们的眼睛肿胀充血。Their eyes bulging and bloodshot.

她的眼睛布满血丝,都哭肿了。Her eyes were bloodshot and swollen.

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全都盯着他,瞪着充血的双眼。With bloodshot eyes upon him stared.

用充血的笑声填塞这洞穴!Fill the cave with bloodshot laughter!

潮涌的泪水在红肿的眼中流淌。The eyes bloodshot with tears and tide.

谁也不曾合上他充血的眼睛None closed his bloodshot eyes but sought

眼部通常会变红,充血。Eyes usually get become red and bloodshot.

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他长着布满血丝的眼睛,尖利的牙齿和一个鹰钩鼻,但没有尾巴。He has bloodshot eyes, pointed teeth and a hooked nose, but no tail.

灰色的眼睛充满了血丝,下方垂着两个巨大的眼袋,乌黑的一片。His eyes were grey and bloodshot with huge black bags underneath them.

可如今,粉笔染上了您的双鬓,红色也成了您双眼中的血丝。But now, the chalk dye on your temples, red also became you bloodshot eyes.

他长着五只手,满身都是血丝,让人看了不寒而栗。He long with five hands, stained with bloodshot eyes, makes chilling reading.

我两眼布满血丝,体重下降,瘦得像根竹竿。My eyes were red and bloodshot. I had lost weight and was as thin as a bean pole.

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没有人答话,只有埃尔吉走了过来。他那充血的眼睛里充满悲伤和痛苦。Nobody spoke but Elgie came over, his bloodshot eyes filled with sorrow and misery.

然而我可以从他们那布满血丝的眼睛里看出为了那几滴水他们情愿把我宰了。Yet I could see in their bloodshot eyes that they'd gladly kill me for those few drops.

我忽然发现自己的表情从颓废变为恐怖,眼里的血丝仿佛火焰般的狰狞。Suddenly I found myself face from decadence to terror, eyes like flaming ferocious bloodshot.

最近我的眼睛充血,而且当我早上起床时眼睛上盖了一层粘膜。Lately my eyes have been bloodshot and when I wake in the morning they are covered with mucus.

接下来在到达顶点之后,肌肉的紧绷和充血的情形也就逐渐地舒缓还原了。Next on the peak, the muscle after tight and bloodshot situation is gradually to relieve reduction.

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他再次点点头,抬头第一次注视着汤姆的眼睛,现在他注意到它们在充血。He nodded again, looking up for the first time into Tom's eyes, which he noticed were now bloodshot.

一天凯里斯特忽然间发现自己变成了一只大熊,长着恶魔般的嘴巴和充血的眼睛。One day Callisto suddenly found herself changed into a bear, with monstrous jaws and bloodshot eyes.

门是微开着的,库普切克轻瞥了一眼,韦斯特在黑暗中坐在他的桌子上,充满血丝的眼睛呆呆的看着前方。With the door ajar , Kupchak peeked in. West was seated at his desk in the dark, staring straight ahead, eyes bloodshot.