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为什么中提琴独奏和早泄一样?Why is a viola solo like premature ejaculation?

也许女性“射精”也有相同的解释吧。Perhaps female ejaculation has a similar explanation.

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一个男人受到过多刺激,早泄就会发生。Premature ejaculation happens when we men are over-stimulated.

那么你会问,如果能很好地控制射精呢?So, how can you tell if he has perfect control of ejaculation?

精囊通过射精管与后尿道相通。It communicates with the back urethra through ejaculation duct.

射精感觉痛痛不敢射,怎么办?Ejaculation feeling is painful painful dare not shoot, how to do?

青春期前的男孩可能体会过不射精的高潮。Pre-adolescent boys may experience an orgasm without ejaculation.

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一种无保护措施的性爱方式,男方在射精前撤出。Unprotected sex in which the male pulls out prior to ejaculation.

早泄是对男人最常见的性抱怨。Premature ejaculation is the most common sexual complaint for men.

在西方国家,女性射精被认为是少见的,甚至有一些异常。Female ejaculation is considered rare in the west, and even, by some, abnormal.

射精后精子的存活时间与环境因素有关。The life span of sperm after ejaculation depends on the environmental conditions.

但是对于绝大多数男性而言,当他们面对压力或是患病时,射精会比通常要早。But for most men, ejaculation will often be quicker in times of stress or ill health.

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目的探讨早泄患者使用盐酸曲唑酮治疗的效果。Objective Carry out a research on curative effect of Trazodone Hydrochloride for ejaculation.

目的探讨早泄患者使用盐酸曲唑酮治疗的效果。Objective To carry out a research on curative effect of Trazodone Hydrochloride on ejaculation.

牛仔短裤与吊带搭配出热力四射的性感。Bull-puncher knickers and condole take collocation to give heating power 4 ejaculation sex appeal.

女性射精现象,是女性性行为种种神秘现象之一,科学研究正在逐一为我们撩开其面纱。Ejaculation is just one of the aspects of female sexuality that are being demystified by research.

检测两组射精前后精囊腺直径,宽径,并进行比较。Detected seminal vesicles before and after ejaculation diameter, wide diameter, and did comparison.

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不少男性说他们可以通过挤按骨盆底肌肉来推迟射精。Many men say they are able to delay ejaculation by squeezing or pushing their pelvic floor muscles.

目的研究氯丙咪嗪与帕罗西汀治疗早泄的疗效和副作用。Objective To study the efficacy of Paroxetine and clomipramine for treatment of premature ejaculation.

但是有一个相关的问题很少被提及,就是女性“射精”是否具有生物学上的功能。One question that is rarely addressed, however, is whether female ejaculation has a biological function.