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她的丈夫是石匠。Her husband is a stonemason.

修造猎物然后石匠。Build a quarry and then a stonemason.

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卢修斯成了石匠的学徒。Lucius got apprenticed to a stonemason.

石匠贝茨说。石头就是我覃辉生命。Stonemason Bates said, Stone's my life.

于是有一天他找了一位石匠来帮他修理。So one day he found a stonemason to help him repair.

他是山乡十里方园内有名的石匠,身体结实得像石头。He was a renowned stonemason in the mountain villages, who was a man as solidly built as a stone.

于是会计回屋看书去了,但是只过了15分钟石匠就摇响了门铃。So the accounting went back to house reading, but only after a 15-minute stonemason rang the doorbell on.

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无忧无虑地谈笑风生,根本看不出是一名来自农村的青年,更看不出是石匠的儿子。No one could tell that was a boy came from countryside at all, nor could he be identified as a son of stonemason.

帕拉第奥的父亲是维琴察的一位磨坊主,安德烈亚很小的时候就被送去给当地一位手艺精湛的石匠当学徒。Palladio's father was a miller who settled in Vicenza, where the young Andrea was apprenticed to a skilled stonemason.

但比斯顿先生万万没有想到,他家猫咪的漂亮墓碑竟然是一件千年古董。Mr Beeston, a stonemason who found the slab in a quarry years ago, thought it would make a nice headstone and nothing more.

他在农场工作过,也去过矿井,做过石匠学徒,随后在杜塞尔多夫和西柏林学习雕塑。He then worked on a farm, in a mine and as an apprentice stonemason before studying sculpture in Duesseldorf and West Berlin.

那石匠立即出示广缘所寄鞋子一双,工匠们一看,不错,这双鞋子正是广缘的!That wide margin by the stonemason produced immediately send a pair of shoes, artisans have a look, yes, this is the wide margin of pairs of shoes!