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她是个快速的编织者。She is a fast knitter.

这件时髦的毛衣是由一位年轻的编织者所编织的。This stylish sweater was knitted by a young knitter.

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正在救生艇上编织者用小刀结束了他妻子的命。With a knife the knitter ends his wife's life in the lifeboat.

在救生艇上编织者用小刀结束了他妻子的性命。With a knife the knitter ends his wife’s life in the lifeboat.

在救生艇上编织者用小刀竣事了他妻子的人命。With a knife the knitter ends hellos wife's life in the lifeboat.

去年好心的格友芸芸众生-云淡风轻分享了好多颗向日葵种子给我。Last year a fellow knitter and plant-lover shared several sunflower seeds with me.

如果你是个编织工或者当你正在编织的时候,注意一下手的感觉,并有规律地休息一下。If you’re a knitter or you crochet, watch how your hands feel and take a break regularly.

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一位迷上缝纫的卡车司机表示,做针线活没有地点限制,而且可以很好地缓解压力。"Knitting is a great stress reliever that can be done almost anywhere, " an avid knitter said.

在这免费视频针织基础上从一个获奖的编织编织针与技巧。Make a knit stitch with tips from an award-winning knitter in this free video on knitting basics.

拿起并从获奖编织在这个自由视频针织编织奖的角撑板的帮助。Pick up and knit the gussets with help from an award winning knitter in this free video on knitting.

探索如何在这免费视频缝上的金银丝编织技术从获奖的编织者。Discover how to do the purl stitch from an award-winning knitter in this free video on knitting techniques.

了解他们对针织编织经验的初学者从基础知识需要在此免费视频编织毛衣的材料。Find out the materials needed to knit a sweater in this free video on knitting basics for beginners from an experienced knitter.

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电脑针织横机是羊毛衫生产行业的主要机种,其核心部分是整机控制系统。Computerized flat knitter is always the main device in the manufacture of knitted sweater, whose core part is its control system.

放在针针织回到正确地从有经验的编织者的帮助下在这个自由视频编针下降。Place dropped stitches in knitting back on the needle properly with help from an experienced knitter in this free video on knitting.

电脑横机是一种涉及到计算机、机械、电子、控制等诸多领域,比较复杂的典型机电一体化产品。Computerized flat knitter is a typical complex electromechanical machine which involves a lot of technology in control, electron area.

劳工并没有捞到更多好处,因为多雇用一名无所事事的瓦匠,就会导致另一名羊毛衫编织工或编织机操作工做不成事。Labor is no better off, because a day's employment of an unneeded tile-setter has meant a day's disemployment of a sweater knitter or machine handler.

确保您知道如何改变,当针编织毛衣的指导在这个自由的影片获奖的编织者的编织技术。Make sure you know how to change needles when knitting a sweater with guidance from an award-winning knitter in this free video on knitting techniques.

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“劳工”并没有捞到更多好处,因为多雇用一名无所事事的泥瓦匠,就会导致另一名羊毛衫编织工或编织机操作工做不成事。Labor" is no better off, because a day's employment of an unneeded tile-setter has meant a day's disemployment of a sweater knitter or machine handler."

人生中有了友谊,就不会感到孤独,日子就会变得丰富多彩,因为友谊是梦的编者,它在人生中绽放亮丽的青春,释放迷人的芳香。Friendship saves one from loneliness in his life, and enriches his days. As the knitter of dreams, friendship fully displays its beautiful youth and charming fragrance.

一种快速更换送纱轮的变色送纱器,涉及圆盘针织机上的变色送纱器。The invention provides a color-changing yarn feeding device capable of quickly replacing a yarn feeding wheel, which relates to a color-changing yarn feeding device on a circular knitter.