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然而事情正在发生着一些变化。However the thing is occurrent a few change.

这种情况正在发生改变。This kind of circumstance is occurrent change.

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而情况正在发生局部的微妙变化。And the circumstance is occurrent local delicate change.

以严重心律失常的发生时间和持续时间为观察指标。The occurrent time and duration of severe arrhythmia were observed.

不外,这一模式也正在发生奥妙变更。Nevertheless, this one mode is occurrent also delicate and fluctuant.

但是,近年来,这一体系正在发生巨大的变动。But, in recent years, this one system is occurrent change tremendously.

然而,面对严峻的经济形势,这种局面正在发生改变。However, face grim economic situation, this kind of situation is occurrent change.

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在快速增长的搜索引擎市场,竞争格局正在发生变化。In the search of rapid growth index props up the market, competitive pattern is occurrent change.

目的预防和减少人工气道患者肺部感染发生率。Objective To prevent and reduce the occurrent rate of pulmonary infection in artificial airway patients.

杂志上的文章包括当地剧场的评论以及各个热点地区正在发生的事情。The article on the magazine includes the comment of local theater and the issue with each heat occurrent areas.

现在耶和华我的神使我四围平安,没有仇敌,没有灾祸。But now the LORD my God hath given me rest on every side, so that there is neither adversary nor evil occurrent.

正如式样总是随着功能的需求而改变,起居室的面貌也正在发生着改变。Style of no less than always is as functional demand change, occurrent also move changes the face of living room.

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晨报讯金融危机下,中国内外贸格局正在发生变化。Below crisis of banking of morning paper dispatch, situation of trade of Chinese inside and outside is occurrent change.

这个变化逼迫他们重新思考数字营销的未来,“这样的趋势正在发生,而且快速地发生。This change coerces they ponder over the future of digital sale afresh, "Such trend is occurrent , and apace happening."

偏头痛和脑血栓形成,一般没有因果关系,但反复发作的偏头痛也偶然发生脑血栓形成。Migraine and head thrombosis, do not have commonly causal, but the migraine that breaks out repeatedly is occurrent also head thrombosis.

互联网正在发生快速转变,不仅仅是搜索和娱乐的工具,还将成为创建各种类型文件的平台。Internet is occurrent rapid change, it is search and recreational tool not just, still will become the platform that founds all sorts of type files.

结论只要劳逸结合以及合理的膳食结构,就能增强身体的抵抗力,防止有关疾病的发生。Conclusion As long as combine work and rest, as well as reasonable food constitution, it will reinforcement physical resistance and prevent relate disease occurrent.

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我们就用了这个广告,去年的时候帮所有的企业审查,结果所有的企业每一家有潜藏的病毒、有资料外泄的情形正在发生。We used this ad, last year when help all enterprises examine, the state that as a result all enterprises have the virus that hide, release outside having a data each times is occurrent.

通过分析中小地震深度分布特征的原因,结合强震发生的条件和特性,对中小地震前兆机理进行了解释。We analyzed the cause of focal depth distribution and explained the precursory mechanism of small and moderate earthquakes with occurrent condition and characteristics of strong earthquakes.