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小鬼铃铛是其中卖得最好的。Gremlin bells are his best sellers.

是的,这是我们卖得最好的一款。Yes. It is one of our best sellers.

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因此,卖家倾向于保持安静,直到太迟为止。So sellers tend to keep quiet until too late.

街上的水果摊老是讨价过高。Fruit sellers on the street always overcharge.

各种酒类的小贩正在搭木棚。The wine sellers were putting up their booths.

但是,卖方也想卸下风险。But sellers want to offload their risk as well.

汽车站附近设点。Roadside newspaper sellers all prefer bus stops.

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该货是欧洲的畅销货之一。This product is one of the best sellers in Europe.

销量居前十位的当中,有六位是妇女杂志。Of the ten top sellers , six are women's magazines.

许多房屋的卖主仍然陷在经济衰退的困境中。Many home sellers remain stuck in a recessional rut.

无时无刻都能听到商人的叫卖声。The sellers shouts could be heard every now and then.

海外对冲基金已经成为恐慌抛盘的主力。Overseas hedge funds have been panic sellers of shares.

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她说塞勒斯后来斥责她胆小怕事。She says that Sellers later chided her for being timid.

她表示,赛乐之后曾责备她过于腼腆。She says that Sellers later chided her for being timid.

1979年故事曾改编成电影,彼得·塞勒斯主演。It was turned into a film starring Peter Sellers in 1979.

文胸销售商表示,他们的顾客中很少有人是做过丰胸的。Bra sellers say few of their clients are unnaturally endowed.

在复式拍卖中,买卖双方都可以出价。In a double auction, buyers and sellers both make price bids.

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如果他们不能,卖方之间的竞争也不能保护消费者么?And if they can’t, won’t competition among sellers protect them?

德丽曼祝全体同事、全国经销商新春快乐!Delyman wish all company members and sellers a happy new spring.

桑塔纳,特别是现代2000,拥有众多的买家。Santanas, especially the new 2000models, have become big sellers.