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迪庆藏猪属于典型的高原型猪种之一,对其肌肉品质进行分析。Diqing Tibetan pig is a kind of typical altiplano pig breed.

你在多年前登过的高原,如今沉睡在地壳的深处。The altiplano which you had been to years ago was just sleeping under the lithosphere.

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迪庆藏猪属于典型的高原型猪种之一,对其肌肉品质进行分析。Diqing Tibetan pig is a kind of typical altiplano pig breed. Meat quality was analyzed.

科迪乐拉环也就是中央山脉是Altiplano的东南边界。The Cordillera Central, or Central Mountains, define the southeastern edge of the Altiplano.

人机工程学是一门新兴的边缘学科,它在高原室内空气富氧中将具有良好的应用前景。Ergonomics has a brilliant prospect in enriching oxygen content of indoor air in the altiplano.

喀斯特山区、沙漠边缘及黄土高原是我国的生态环境脆弱带。Karst Area, the margin of desert and loess altiplano are eco-environmental frail zones in China.

高原冻土带是天然气水合物生成和保存的潜在源区。The altiplano tundra is a potential source of the formation and preservation of nature gas hydrate.

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虽然高原大部分地区已经被沙尘掩盖,其特有的盐湖还是可见的。Though much of the Altiplano is hidden beneath dust, the region’s distinctive salt pans are visible.

源于Altiplano的沙尘暴正穿越图中东南部的高山云海。Dust from the high Altiplano soars over the mountains and clouds in the southeast corner of the image.

全省历年平均最大冻土深度变化呈减小趋势,各分区的变化趋势与全省的变化趋势基本相同,冀北高原区变化幅度最大。In the different area, the trends of change are similar, but the degree of charging is maximum in the north altiplano.

同圣米业是目前内蒙古草原唯一有机富硒大米生产企业。Tongsheng Rice currently is the only organic and selenium yeast rice producing enterprise in Inter Mongolia Altiplano.

我们飞速穿越智利高原,直到天地间一片白茫茫,前面除却白色别无其他。We flew across the Chilean Altiplano until, like the world had been bleached, there lay ahead of us nothing but white.

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黑河流域是河西走廊和内蒙古高原西部著名的粮仓和绿洲。The Heihe River is the famous grain-productive place and oasis in the Hexi corridor and the west of Mongolia altiplano.

该湖位于北端的内陆高原盆地高,在安第斯山脉对边界的秘鲁和玻利维亚。The lake is located at the northern end of the endorheic Altiplano basin high in the Andes on the border of Peru and Bolivia.

由于高原低气压所导致的局部低氧压引起许多生理学与神经心理学问题。Local low oxygen pressure caused by low air pressure in the altiplano results in many physiological and neuropsychological problems.

同意金相兄弟看法。这刀当有鄂尔多斯高原青铜短剑的血统,双手带,刃朝反向。看来应当来自北方吧?。Agree with brother Jinxiang. This Dao has altiplano steel short Jian's ancestry, double handed cingulum , reversed blade, seems from north?

作为中国在政治、经济等各方面都具有重要地位的青藏高原牧区来说,加速推动城镇化进程具有更加重要的现实意义。As the key player, Qingzang Altiplano is holding the importance place in China's development, no matter in the political, economic or other domains.

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由于当地人已经在安第斯山脉以及南美中部高原生活了很久,也有了几十年的文化,当地人自然而然懂得如何快速有效地克服这些症状。The indigenous cultures of the Andes and Altiplano have lived in the region for decades and know how to suppress symptoms naturally and very quickly.

本研究对蒙古高原部分草原区土壤物理和营养性状与根茎禾草生长发育进行相关性比较研究,以揭示土壤对牧草生长发育的影响。So, it′s very important to study on the comparison about the growth and development of plant and the vegetation of grassland in whole of Mongolia Altiplano.

适合于南方和高原紫外线强烈地区使用,尤其适用于对老化性能要求较高的开级配道路。So it fits to be used in south and altiplano with high intensity of ultraviolet radiation, especially for open-graded pavement with high request of anti-aging.