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民船在讨生活。Civilian boats in order to live.

军工品质,民品价格!!!Military quality, civilian price!

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一名敌兵伪装成了平民。The enemy soldier disguised as civilian.

这些气球有民用也。These aerostats have civilian uses, too.

它是平民缘由的问题。It's the question of civilian causalities.

但是平民的世界不能落后。But the civilian world cannot be far behind.

他们也小心地避免平民伤亡。They took care to avoid civilian casualties.

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他们小心地避免了民众伤亡。They took care to avoid civilian casualties.

朝鲜军队怎么能打我们平民目标呢?Korean army civilian targets, how do we play?

究竟算是偷金库还是偷民宅?。Be all steal exchequer or steal civilian curtilage?

日本改用民用飞机运送物资。The material was sent by civilian aircraft instead.

截至2006年底,中国共拥有147个民用机场。By the end of 2006, China had 147 civilian airports.

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莫斯科警车与老百姓的汽车互换角色。Moscow police car swops the part with civilian cars.

那一次的爆发没有传播到普通民众。That outbreak did not spread to the civilian population.

文官对军方的统治也必须得到加强。Civilian rule over the military also must be strengthened.

没有人质疑中国文官政府控制着军队。No one questions China’s civilian control of the military.

他将在九月份开始他在中央情报局的新的文职工作。He will start his new civilian job at the CIA in September.

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民船经营生产快速发展。The rapid development of manufacturers of civilian vessels.

这是al-Jdeida平民监狱的女子部分。This was the women’s side of the civilian prison al-Jdeida.

中国官员说“蛟龙”号只会用于民事目的。Chinese officials say the Jiaolong is for civilian use only.