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不久,水开了。Soon, water boiling.

更高的沸点。Higher boiling point.

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我的血液在沸腾。My blood was boiling.

壶中水煮沸了。The kettle is boiling.

我快被他气炸了。I'm boiling mad at him.

锅里的水快耗干了。The pot is boiling dry.

我搅拌着沸水。I stir the boiling water.

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壶里水一直在开着。The kettle was boiling away.

汤煮开了就变稠了。The soup thickens by boiling.

然后我亲戚给我上了一杯热水。Iwas served hot boiling water.

将肉类和香菇加入,加肉时水必沸。Add meat when water is boiling.

开水散发出蒸汽。Boiling liquid gives off steams.

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炎热的太阳让我们口渴。The boiling sun made us thirsty.

他们正在熬骨头汤。They are boiling down the bones.

我是一杯白开水,冷暖自知。I am a cup of boiling water, run.

她用开水泡茶。She makes tea with boiling water.

别让开水烫着。Don't be scalded by boiling water.

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壶里的水开了,冒着蒸汽。Steam rose from the boiling kettle.

反应加热到接近沸腾。The reaction heats to near boiling.

而烧开的水大约只有212度。Boiling water is around 212 degrees.